New TC Endeavor

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I just bought a TC Endeavor and put a Leupold Ultimate Slam 3x9x40 on top. I then bought some BlackHorn 209, Federal 209 shotgun primers and some Barnes 245 gr and 290 gr bullets with yellow sabots. I went to my farm last weekend and it took all I had to push the Barnes bullets down the barrel. I was afraid I was going to break my ploymer starter and bend my ramrod. I loaded and shot 4 times thinking it would get better but it was the same. Thinking something was wrong and not wanting to possibly damage the barrel I stopped. I called the custom shop on TC's website and one of their techs said to shoot 10 or so MaxiHunters down the pipe (I am choosing to use the Hornady FSP (?) down it instead) and then the Barnes and sabots will go down a lot easier. Anybody else having this tough of a time loading their TC Endeavor? What do you think about the suggestion from the tech at the TC custom shop?

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Probably a silly question on my part, but did you clean the barrel before attempting to shoot your Endeavor, if not this could be the reason for the difficulty in ramming your sabots ???

I like the TC Power Glides and the Winchester 209 Primers in my TC .. ;)

This is a GREAT read also, I would highly recommend reading this info ..

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My step son got a new tc omega and used the tc shockwave and had a hard time loading it also:(, but I do know he did not clean it before he shot it:rolleyes:.I have not shot my omega yet, but I do have all the suggested cleaning products and patches so I can site my scope in.

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  • 2 weeks later...

thanks for all the replies, I did clean the gun. this past weekend I shot it again with the Hornady's with no sabot and they went down the pipe with no issues. I am going to try the Barnes again this weekend and may pick up some of the crushrib sabots to see how they work out, many thanks again to everyone.

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  • 2 weeks later...
My step son got a new tc omega and used the tc shockwave and had a hard time loading it also:(, but I do know he did not clean it before he shot it:rolleyes:.I have not shot my omega yet, but I do have all the suggested cleaning products and patches so I can site my scope in.
The Omega is the gun I want next year!! Make sure to post a thread after sighting with detailed info! Pics of your paper, load combos....all the good stuff!!!!

KEEP IT METAL DUDE! \m/:cool2:\m/

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