Video: Racoon Face (Graphic Content)


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Really stupid thing to do, not sure why they would post it on the web either. Gives the rest of us hunters a bad name. Dont get me wrong if you are on a coon hunt then fine shoot away, the title says they were on a bear hunt in Canada so hunt bear dont kill that coon just for the sake of doing it. I say again REAL STUPID !

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I whack every one i get the chance to, during legal season. I know several guys that love to eat them, so they appreciate it, and I'm just trying to help my turkeys out as I get the chance.

I'm somewhat doubting they climbed the tree to retrieve the coon. Killing varmints is fine and dandy with a gun ensuring a quick clean kill.....a broadhead to the face just to see if you can do it is wrong in my opinion. Good shot though, hope he felt manly........:rolleyes:

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I dont let them go to waste, but will admit to tossing a few in the ditch over the years. Down here they're thick as heck, as I suspect they are where most of you hunt. We toss yotes, groundhogs (i assume), and crows without giving them it a second thought. Coons arent much higher in my book. But I believe in saving things when you can for someone to eat.

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I don't kill anything I'm not going to eat or use for pelts unless it's harming my property or livestock. If a coons getting into your dog food at night or tearing trash cans open then let him have it....but when your in his woods and to just see if you can shoot him in the face with a your bow??? I see your point in shooting varmints....but have a better reason then just for the heck of it and why post it online?

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I don't kill anything I'm not going to eat or use for pelts unless it's harming my property or livestock. If a coons getting into your dog food at night or tearing trash cans open then let him have it....but when your in his woods and to just see if you can shoot him in the face with a your bow??? I see your point in shooting varmints....but have a better reason then just for the heck of it and why post it online?

I agree totally. I think it's kinda lame. Anyone in here that's hunted any length of time has made a headshot or two, either purposefully, or accident, but even if a freind was on the vid camera and got it, I wouldnt put it online. I think it's sorta degrading to the animal. Much like the hunting shows where a guy puts a hard hit on an animal and then just seems to bust out lauging about it. You've all seen that. I dont have a problem taking out critters for good reason, even it amounted to a head shot. But agree totally there's no real bravado in it.


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I think that this video should be removed from these forums. The people on this forum are hunters and do not kill something just because it is there! They were not coon hunting they were bear hunting. I have seen some outdoor TV shows that show shooting anything just for practice and to get video footage, that is wrong. You should shoot targets for practice.

I think most Reatree forum members think this is wrong!

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whoop-di-doo, who cares what you do in your time a field. I am sure everybody has done something a field that is not liked by others. The DIFFERENCE is that we do not post about it on the internet. I know I have killed a few animals while I was hunting for others things, but I'll be danged if I am going to take pics or videos and post about it or brag. To everyone who says this is "wrong" what really is wrong? I think the only wrong is that he posted about it. If it was in season when the kill happened and the hunter wanted to take the shot then so be it, who cares. We have no idea what they did with the coon, but then again I didnt read in the forums or anything over on that site. It was a good shot, seemed to be a pretty quick kill.

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whoop-di-doo, who cares what you do in your time a field. I am sure everybody has done something a field that is not liked by others. The DIFFERENCE is that we do not post about it on the internet. I know I have killed a few animals while I was hunting for others things, but I'll be danged if I am going to take pics or videos and post about it or brag. To everyone who says this is "wrong" what really is wrong? I think the only wrong is that he posted about it. If it was in season when the kill happened and the hunter wanted to take the shot then so be it, who cares. We have no idea what they did with the coon, but then again I didnt read in the forums or anything over on that site. It was a good shot, seemed to be a pretty quick kill.

I dont see it as such a biggie either. A bit tasteless, sure.

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1st - FYI, coons are turkey and quail egg eating vermin that carry rabies (like skunks) and require mgmt control for healthy habitat. 2nd - we were in Texas hog hunting and the coons are particularly thick in this area. 3rd - If I'm deer hunting and a coon comes along, I whack it for better, healthier habitat. What's the difference whether you're bear hunting, deer hunting or hog hunting? Ya see a nasty, ya take it out, If I'm deer hunting and see a turkey and I have a tag, I shift gears as well. No difference. 4th - Take out all coons ya see, whether you're trapping, hunting with dogs, deer hunting with a gun or hog hunting with a bow. Be a steward and do the right thing. Whack em. 5th - I knew it would be controversial. Debate is healthy and how we learn.... so carry on.

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1st - FYI, coons are turkey and quail egg eating vermin that carry rabies (like skunks) and require mgmt control for healthy habitat. 2nd - we were in Texas hog hunting and the coons are particularly thick in this area. 3rd - If I'm deer hunting and a coon comes along, I whack it for better, healthier habitat. What's the difference whether you're bear hunting, deer hunting or hog hunting? Ya see a nasty, ya take it out, If I'm deer hunting and see a turkey and I have a tag, I shift gears as well. No difference. 4th - Take out all coons ya see, whether you're trapping, hunting with dogs, deer hunting with a gun or hog hunting with a bow. Be a steward and do the right thing. Whack em. 5th - I knew it would be controversial. Debate is healthy and how we learn.... so carry on.

It's just the presentation is all. I agree with taking them out as you get the chance. We all feel the same way about coyotes......But we had one member a while back that hung the carcasses up on fenceposts and said that was tradition around there. It stirred up some ppl on here, but the end result was no different than any of us that put lead in them, the thing was dead. It's just the presentation is all. Keep whacking them, just maybe lay off the cam button more, lol.

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It's just the presentation is all. I agree with taking them out as you get the chance. We all feel the same way about coyotes......But we had one member a while back that hung the carcasses up on fenceposts and said that was tradition around there. It stirred up some ppl on here, but the end result was no different than any of us that put lead in them, the thing was dead. It's just the presentation is all. Keep whacking them, just maybe lay off the cam button more, lol.

I understand and appreciate your position, RN. Just a reminder though, it is only an opinion and everyone has one.

BTW, the original description was wrong. Just a diversion for Canadian friends in Texas hog hunting and headed back to camp.

One more thing... if you would've seen the limbs & brush in the way, you would really appreciate the perfection of the shot placement. That alone is worth the video footage.

Edited by Scott Thrash
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If it was legal to take it, why all the fuss guys. It was no different than my Rat shot a few weeks ago. :confused::confused:

The fuss is why kill it for the sake of killing it ? Should we start doing it with stray dogs and cats thet get into my garbage that no ones claims ? With a gun for a fast clean kill is one thing, but to shoot it in the face with a bow and have it suffer and fall out of the tree is just plain stupid and I for one would not want to be associated with anyone doing that " just for fun " I thought you for sure would get that Steve ??

For a forum and members that boast this to be one of the best sites out there which I agree it is because we are ethical hunters doing the right thing this was far from it, coon or not shots should be made ethically and properly, shooting a coon in the face through branches with a broadhead is not one of them !

Edited by bigmoss
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If it was legal to take it, why all the fuss guys. It was no different than my Rat shot a few weeks ago. :confused::confused:

Steve that rat was in your neighbors yard. That coon was in his own yard. It wasn't being a pest, it was merely living. Coons eat turkey eggs, and mountain lions eat deer. It's mother nature folks. This was a senseless killing of a wild creature. I'll retract my statement if his pelt was used or someone ate him.

It was totally unethical.

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