New animal running around the house


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Went to my Uncle and Aunt's hobby farm yesterday for my cousin's graduation. We ended coming home with another little animal. They had some Bronze Turkeys so we asked if we could take one. Jake is now home safe and enjoying the good life. His neck is a little kinked from an accident so that is why he was our main choice. It seems to be getting better.

Here he is on the roost.



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Is this a pet for a long time or until thanksgiving? I've known a lot of people that have raised turkeys from eggs to make it to the dinner plate. That way you know what kind of chemicals and feed are in your main course.

No it is not a pet until thanksgiving. I'm not going to take his life if I hand raised him. I have 5 chickens that Kels and I hand raised and they are some of the coolest pets I've ever had. Totally tame and they respond to people also. I spend too much time with these birds to just get rid of them like that.

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My oldest daughter has 18 chickens, part of a 4 h project, she has raised them from 2 days old. She had 20, 2 of them died within the first couple days. One of her chickens is a rooster, she was only supposed to get hens.:eek::o I tried naming a couple of them for her, but she did not like my suggestions.:rolleyes:

We kind of thought about calling the warden to see if he would be ok with us putting a couple of the turkey eggs I found while mowing the weekend before last in with the chickens, but didn't. Kind of wish we would have.

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