Did some planting this weekend....

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We planted 5 food plots this weekend from 1 acre to 1/4 acre in size.

plot 1 has - a mix of soybeans, corn and LabLab

plot 2 has - RR soybeans

plot 3 has 1/2 RR soybeans and 1/2 of a mixture of RR corn and RR Soybeans

plot 4 has RR Soybeans

plot 5 has RR Soybeans.

I also planted 5 fruit trees; 1 cherry, 3 nectarine and 1 pear. I put some cages around them in hopes they survive. Never planted fruit trees but they was given to me so I thought the wildlife may benefit from them assuming they make it...

My family is leaving for vacation this week so when I get back I hope to mow my clover and then start discing on some new plots....I still have more seed to get in the ground ;):D

When I get back I will try and get some pics up ;)

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