Back Problems


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Re: Back Problems

Back problems are no joke! Take it easy and don't try to be Arnold and max out when you lift. Max is just an ego boost but doesn't do a lot to build muscle. I can't say I every was diagnosed with scoliosis, but I've had my share of injuries. My advice is get better now while you are young. It just gets tougher to heal the older you get.

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Re: Back Problems

i put my back out two summers ago. my buddy and i were kinda showin off grin.gif it hurt for a while. it got better though... we were lifting the back end of his toyota tercel off the ground blush.gifgrin.gif it wasnt that hard, i just moved the wrong way when i lifted it the second time. the stupid things ya do when ur kids eh! crazy.gifwink.gifgrin.gif

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Re: Back Problems

I have scoliosis too and have had back problems for the last 30 years. It seems that all it takes is one bad injury and it will keep coming back to haunt you.

Take care of your back. Exercise is good as long as (like said above) you don't try to play Mr. Mocho and lift more than you should. Keep the weights down.

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Re: Back Problems

You had to ask. Aren't you guys tired of hearing of my medical problems? grin.gif lol.

I put my back into spasms when I was in high school. Back then it was cool to see who could deadlift, squat and bench the most. Since my max bench was a measly 245, I concentrated on my strengths, namely my huge Polish a$$ and legs. Well, one day I tried to deadlift a ridiculous amount, I don't remember the amount, I do remember it bent the bar, and it also pulled some muscles in my back. Cramergesic and a whirlpool were my buddies for a week or so. Then, 2 days before our state playoff game, I threw a roll block on a teammate and he put his knee squarely into my back breaking a vertabrae. I had to wear a corsit type brace for 3 weeks after that incident.

So yeah, I've had some back problems in the past. Since I got a SelectComfort air mattress, and a better sense of what I can and cannot lift, I don't have too much trouble anymore.

I'd get a doctor's opinion on the scoliosis. From what I understand, most cases of that don't amount to much, but severe cases can progress and cause troubles with your lungs later in life.

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Re: Back Problems

I have back spasms bad...last time I had a doctor check it she told me that "I was all back spasmed out and she had never seen anything like that with someone so young." I've got to be careful with what I do sometimes.

My sister has the scoliosis pretty bad. When she was youner she had to quit gymnastics and most athletic stuff because of it. I would imagine it will bother you as long as your still in football...but at least wait until the strain heals before you hit the weights again or you could really screw something up. Good luck. cool.gif

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