Antler Dogs?


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  • 2 weeks later...
Anybody have an antler dog? Were getting a yellow lab puppy next week and I was wanting to train it to find sheds. Anybody have any experience in training/hunting with them?

Here is a link that replied to a post a while back, I have Jack Russell Terriers but I'm sure this would work with your dog. I don't really call them antler dogs but once i show them an antler they are instantly on the prowl. Good luck.

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Seen a t.v. show on the outdoors channel on a family that train labs to shed hunt.8 week old pup trained to sit,stay,and started on sheds are $1500.6 month old dog trained more was $3500 and a fully trained dog they didn't say how much it was.I think thay were from south carolina or north carolina.I think you could train your dog if you have the pactience and time. I found this site, it might help you out.

Edited by jesse8953
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i have a yellow lab that is 2 1/2 yrs old. out of the 40 sheds i have found the last 2 years, she has found 9 of them. now to me, that is fantastic for training her myself. there are plenty of training tips on the internet. it takes a lot of practice but it is really cool whenever they find their first one. goodluck.

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Here's Leeloo! I bought her to train her for finding sheds, she started off great and is a great dog, but I lost the place I was field training her so now she is just our loveable family pet that gets a chance to go looking for sheds with me once or maybe twice a year.

Her training was really easy. I gave her a small shed as a toy when I picked her up to take her home. That was her one and only toy. I waited until she started (on her own) playing with and carrying her shed around. That's when I started training her for sit, stay, fetch (would use shed as a comand instead of fetch), proper retreival back to my side and to hold until I commanded give. I can't remember how old she was but you can see in the pics she was very young. I always let her WANT to find the shed and retrieve it, never MADE her. If she lost interest, simply training was over for the time being. It's not long until thats all she wants to do. Then I started hiding sheds in the front and back yards and would take her out to find them. After that it was field training, I'ld flag a couple sheds and throw them into grass or brush piles or out in the middle of picked cornfields so I knew where they were and then bring her out later and work her with the wind. She did a great job and if I hadn't lost property for training I really think she would be doing awesome. She now has 3 toys at home, a kong, a tennis ball and sheds - sheds are still her favorite.





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Great dog! Ya all ready got the hard part done with. The pup likes to play with ANTLERS. I have trained Narcotic and Tracking dogs for years both military and police. Being patient and consistant are the keys. When your flustered the dog will be so always end any training on a positive. My current Narcotic K-9, will only get the KONG when she alerts on Drugs and no other time. that is her favorite.

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What a beautiful pup! Love that second to last picture.:)

Thanks for the tips on field training.

We are trying to shed train our dog too. So far she's found every one we put out in the yard. Can't wait to see what she can do outside of our own property.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a german shorthair pointer who loves to play with shed antlers. She seems to just naturally find them while we are in the outdoors. I guess that she became familiar with their smell from playing with them and now recognizes that same odor in the field. I never knew I was training her to find sheds but letting her play with them at home, seemed to do the trick!

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