You know your a hard core bowhunter when...


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Good idea Ilinois 59. Get that right out in the open and out of the way. My friend Tom went elk hunting with me last year and missed his wife's birthday.:eek: Lost his cell phone too so he couldn't call either. You may want to check to see what date her birthday falls on too. You may have to marry her sister.;) I got lucky, my wife was in deer camp with me on her birthday.:D

Being hardcore for me happened when my boss said I couldn't have september off and even though jobs are hard to find I'm going to quit and go hunt.


Edited by m gardner
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  m gardner said:
Good idea Ilinois 59. Get that right out in the open and out of the way. My friend Tom went elk hunting with me last year and missed his wife's birthday.:eek: Lost his cell phone too so he couldn't call either. You may want to check to see what date her birthday falls on too. You may have to marry her sister.;) I got lucky, my wife was in deer camp with me on her birthday.:D

Being hardcore for me happened when my boss said I couldn't have september off and even though jobs are hard to find I'm going to quit and go hunt.


LOL. I can't marry her sister to fix that problem. She's a twin! But good thinking. I cracked up when I read the last line about quitting your job!

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I've posted this story a few times. It never gets old.


I've been driven out of a tree due to wind once. I even remember the day, November 10th, 2002. Only reason I remember that is because of all the tornados that hit the area that day, including an F4 that hit Van Wert, Ohio.


I weathered a few good gusts, but I decided to get down when a tree about 3" in diameter snapped off in front of me and bonked me in the head. As I got to the base of the tree, the storm hit with the most intense lightning I can ever remember. I dumped my stand and sprinted across my buddy's field all the while worrying that me and the lightning rod I was holding in my hand (my bow) was going to get struck by lightning.

I found out later that the storm that hit me spawned a little tornado about 3 miles from where I was hunting. :eek:

There are a few others. Just this past year Ohiobucks and I hunted an evening where the windchills were well below zero.

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My wife wanted a fall wedding. I told her it had to happen before October 1 or I or part of my family wouldn't be at the wedding. We got married Labor Day weekend a few years back.

We tried to plan our first child around hunting season too. But he decided to come 3 weeks early, right in the middle of turkey season. But she let me hunt the morning after he was born while she was still in the hospital. She wants the next one to be born in the fall, that way she can take her 12 weeks off during the holidays. We'll see how that goes...

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I'm new to bowhunting but last year I had one of those "Why am I here?" moments.

It was opening day of our early archery season and i was trying out a new spot. It was hot, it had rained all night, and I was hunting next to a swamp. :rolleyes: Yep, you guessed it, mosquitoes :(. Here I am in my treestand tring to stay motionless and I've got about 12-20 mosquitoes trying to fly into the eye socket of my facemask at any one time. I tried hard for about 2 hours but I was going insane so I quit and went home.

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I knew I was hardcore when I was told to lay in bed with frozen peas on my nads after my vasectomy (for 3 days!!). After 20 minutes I got restless. Brought my peas with me and went hunting.

Shot a doe in less than an hour!!!! :D

I ended up dragging more than the deer,,,,LOL :eek:

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  woodshed said:
I knew I was hardcore when I was told to lay in bed with frozen peas on my nads after my vasectomy (for 3 days!!). After 20 minutes I got restless. Brought my peas with me and went hunting.

Shot a doe in less than an hour!!!! :D

I ended up dragging more than the deer,,,,LOL :eek:

Now that is hardcore detication:D:eek:

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I hunted last year in some super windy super chilly conditions. Probably my most dedicated hunt was during a severe lightning storm. It was storming so hard and hit so fast I wasn't gonna make it back to the truck anyways so I just stayed put and got soaked. I didn't even see a single critter.

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I have two stong passions, hunting and razorback athletics. I gave my girlfriend a 3 month window to get married. June, July, or August. More than likely july. Octoboer-Feb. is deer season. April is turkey season. Feb-May is Razorback baseball season. Football and basketball season is through the end of march and into early april. Might have to shorten the window though because the Hogs just made the College World Series and I am headed to Omaha tomorrow. Looks like we are going to have a hot july wedding

As for a dedicated story....I hunted an Arkansas opening day in 2006 and it was the very first time I had bowhunted. It was HOT HOT HOT, but I still had on my scent lok stuff that was all long sleeve and hot. Didn't see anything that morning. My dad laughed at me when I got ready to go out that evening. He was like it's 85 degrees! I said "Yeah, and it's opening day baby!" I ended up seeing 4 deer. Never took a shot. Stayed in the tree until dark and then drove back to school (3 hours to fayetteville) to be in class by monday morning.

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My wife and I got married on December 31st many years ago..........thought it was a great way to start the New Year.........we left the next morning to Arizona for a 10 day archery desert mule deer hunt. (honeymoon?) Don't know if that's hard core or not........but a great wife for sure! :)

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I feel ya! When we got married I told my wife I had an open weekend on September 30th. It was the weekend after our dirt track quit and the weekend before bow season opened.

I could've done a little more planning on the having kids part. I have one born in December and one in October.

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The year i was getting married My wife to be came into my work and I had a count down on the wall next to my tool box. She said ahhh hes counting down to our wedding on sept. 5 but then relized That my count was off, Hahahha I was counting down to sept 15 opening day of bowseason. I laughed!! but she didnt. Oh well we have been married 11 years now and now she gets it.

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