basement project


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I finally started working to remodel the vintage '70s basement we had in our house. I'm putting in a wet bar that has a soffit with 3 recessed lights above it. I also found a sweet pool table on craiglist. There will eventually be a 28" LCDtv in the left corner behind the bar and a 46" LCD across from the section couch we bought (hasn't been delivered yet-basement needs to be finished first). I also got a great deal on ceramic tile which will be around the bar too. I'll have to post more pics when it's completed.

I don't have pics of what it looked like before I gutted it, but that dark paneling was there which we're going to prime and paint a lighter color and they had dark blue old carpet down there.

Gutted, before I started to frame it out:


There were two sliding doors here that led to the laundry area. I took those out and put in this wall with a pocket door to close the room off.


Start of the base. The bar is 9 ft. straight out, then L's 60" to the left. It extends out from a false wall I framed to hide the plumbing and electrical line. It will have a top that matches the bar top to make a ledge to rest drinks on.



This is the finished upright frame. You can see the soffit with the lights on above it.


Edited by muggs
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Looks like it is coming along great Eric, that is going to be really nice. Hope to be getting started soon on our new house here this summer, still working out details with our lender and builder. Will be pouring a full basement, lots of ideas and some future plans for our basement.

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Working on projects you'll get to enjoy isn't like working at all.

Yeah, I love being down there. I throw on sports, and I'll work all night on it.

The best part, and really what is my main motivation is in the county I live in, if your basement has an exit from that level (which we do) and a bathroom you can count it as part of your square footage. Since it's a ranch with a full basement, my sq. footage will double as soon as I put in a bathroom. I'd be able to sell it as a 2,200 sq. foot home instead of the 1,100 sq. ft. ranch I bought it as.

I'm doing to do that on the unfinished side. Just frame something simple and put one of those above ground toilets (that you can drain into an existing drain without going down through the foundation). I have a sump pump down there I can drain a standup shower unit to as well.:cool:

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