Old woman down


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He warned her 9 times for goodness sake. Just because she's elderly doesn't mean she is above the law and doesn't have to cooperate with the officer. I bet she learned something from it...LOL:rolleyes:

Regardless of what force was used, people will whine it was too much simply due to the size of the officer over the woman. He did the right thing and the old bitty learned her lesson I'm sure. That tazer is an AWESOME tool for our peace officers.

Ditto and ditto.

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He warned her 9 times for goodness sake. Just because she's elderly doesn't mean she is above the law and doesn't have to cooperate with the officer. I bet she learned something from it...LOL:rolleyes:

Regardless of what force was used, people will whine it was too much simply due to the size of the officer over the woman. He did the right thing and the old bitty learned her lesson I'm sure. That tazer is an AWESOME tool for our peace officers.

Ditto and ditto.

ditto and ditto and ditto :D

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Here's my take on it. If my initial perception is flawed then the whole idea I have is no good. I thought that the original purpose of a tazer was to avoid the use of a gun in situations where a gun might be required to subdue a subject wether it be a human or an animal. I really don't see why the officer had to use the tazer in this situation. Being a big guy myself, I would have thought that hand to hand would have not only looked better but also been more effective to just cuff her and stick her in the back of the car. I mean compare the two. An officer is shown wrestling and trying to physically subdue a violent and beligerent 72 year old woman. OR... Officer on film tazering a violent and beligerent 72 year old woman. Trust me when I say that anybody here thinking I don't know what I'm talking about needs to remember I worked in a hospital for 4 years as a security guard. I have been in these situations and a lot of times by myself. I've dealt with 300 lb schitzo's covered in their own feces. I've had to help strap down the 110 lb meth head that feels no pain. And yes I've seen the tazers used in a lot of situations where I know it was required. I don't care how beligerent this woman was, tazering was not required from my pov. If she was that bad, then he should have just cuffed her and then dealt with her when and if she resisted that.

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Swampy you around?

What's your take on it?

I believe the taser to be a great addition for our police, but I would rather have seen the old lady handcuffed and arrested, rather than tasered. I'm sure the incidence is low, but sending an electrical current through the heart has the possibility of inducing ventricular fibrillation leading to death even if the energy is a low amount. A couple quick Googles.



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Yep but that sure would have looked a lot worse on camera and the risk of her getting hurt would have been a lot worse. Sounded like he tried his best to warn her but she wouldn't listen.

Don't get me wrong here. When I say "manhandle" I'm not saying throw her around like a rag doll. He could have put the cuffs on the old lady with ease, but evidently he did what he thought was best. Can't blame a guy for that.

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The concept behind tasers, OC and other less-than-lethal devices are to avoid the use of physical contact or force which oftentimes results in injuries to the person, the officer, or both. In fact, most department's use of force continuum policies require they be employed before the use of physical contact. That is probably why the department is backing the officer.

And, just because the person is elderly doesn't mean they can't ramp up the danger to both themselves and the officer.

Does it look bad? Yeah. Was it necessary? She was resisting arrest and the officer tried a number of times to use voice command to obtain compliance. She made her decision.

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Fly, you are fairly new around here so just a heads up. Swampy does not like cop bashing theads and usually avoids them. So please do not call him out.

I don't see how this is "cop bashing." It's a simple question for someone who has a very good background for this opinion. No bashing that I see.

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I was an officer for a year, and the taser is a disabling tool. It's safer than OC and more effective, it's a lot safer that an asp as well. Agreed the lil lady could have easily been slung down on the ground, he could have set on her, cuffed and end of the story. Still people would whine he could have used even less force. People love to bash cops and question their use of force, but they sure appreciate it when they are saving their lives. Lemme ask you this....what happens when the officer uses an arm bar to place the lady against the hood of his car face first and her rotator cuff snaps? This was a lose lose situation for the cop simply cause this was a little old lady. I'm sure he wishes he would have just let her go now to be honest.

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I don't care how beligerent this woman was, tazering was not required from my pov. If she was that bad, then he should have just cuffed her and then dealt with her when and if she resisted that.

You know, in hindsight, I see your point.

Another thought though, LOL, I could see me trying to wrassle and cuff a 72 year old woman. It would have been like wrasslin' with my little brother when I was a kid. Half the time I was laughing so hard I lost all strength and just turtled on him while he wailed on me. :D I could easily see that happening if I ever find myself in a fight with a grandma. :cool:

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