Wyoming Antelope @ Steve B's


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Maybe everyone can e-mail Randy a pic. and story about their antelope hunt and he can put in National Bowhunter magazine like he did last year. It can be the second Realtree.com forum hunt story! I hope everyone next week is just as successful!

If you want to send a story to his e-mail: [email protected]

A small story about it with a pic and your name will work and your permission to put the story in the magazine.

Nice antelope pics!

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yep i got lucky. seems sskybnd or robert left me this buck to shoot. he taqged out on a nice buck. but this buck was kind of a revenge buck because it eluded robert for several days. if i hadnt missed a much bigger buck in the morning, i would not have had to shoot Roberts buck.:baby:

had a great time out here and shot tons of pictures. i will upload a bunch when i get home.


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Glad everyone had such a good time and bagged their SpeedGoats!!!

Maybe in the second group of hunters this year there will be a winner of...

:wacko:The SkyWalker Award:wacko:

Taking conservation to their own individual level...actually conserving every antelope they see for the next guy no matter how many shots they sling at them:D

Edited by GWSmith
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Maybe in the second group of hunters this year there will be a winner of...

:wacko:The SkyWalker Award:wacko:

Taking conservation to their own individual level...actually conserving every antelope they see for the next guy no matter how many shots they sling at them:D

Don't you jinx me, Gary! :no::mad::D Way to go all three of you! Hope you left a few for me, I leave for Steve's in the morning. ;)


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the big buck missed story

Steve and Robert put on a small push for the goat i missed that morning. as many of you know, trying to get a antelope to go where you want it to go is like herding cats.:)

me and Swampy were hunkerd down trying to stay hidden as well as you can sitting in a 8 inch depression. wouldnt you know it the antelope came just like steve said they would, the doe came first, she stopped and then the buck was coming, so i drew my bow, but the doe saw me and took off. thats what got the big buck moving. kens sitting behind me calling out the yardages as the bucks moving. finally he stops and ken says, 49.5 yards and hes broadside.

i put my 50 pin on him and let it fly, the shot felt good, but i shot right over him. i still replay that shot and cant figure out what happened. we found the arrow and it didnt have any blood on it. i guess a miss is better than a bad hit.

so Luke ole buddy dont sweat the misses, we all make them. even when we think were prepared and ready, when the moment of truth comes, sometimes it allows the Antelope to win. i had my chance at a really good one. i sure hope the next gang gets a shot at him hes a super antelope.


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so Luke ole buddy dont sweat the misses, we all make them. even when we think were prepared and ready, when the moment of truth comes, sometimes it allows the Antelope to win. i had my chance at a really good one. i sure hope the next gang gets a shot at him hes a super antelope.


I don't sweat the misses Tony, believe me .. ;) I just just chalk it up to "It wasn't meant to be" ..

My first ever stalk on an Antelope with Steve was a successful one, SteveB. got me to within' 40yrds of a nice trophy buck that was bedded down. He ranged him for me and then told me to draw and that he would get the buck to his feet. Steve whistled and even had to yell to get this sleeping buck up to his feet LOL ..

There was a barbed wire fence between me an this buck so I prayed that it wouldn't be a factor, and I didn't think it was when this buck stood, I placed my 40 yrd. pin slightly low as to compensate for the sloping decline and let er' rip. But to my surprise it was a clean miss .. Steve, thought there was something wrong with my bow because he said it made a very funny sound when I released ,, I honestly didn't think there was until my second miss at another buck from less than 30 yrds .. YIKES !!

When I got home from my trip, the first stop I made was to the bow shop, my string was in need of replacing, and it was slightly out of tune. Did these play a factor ?? I don't think so because I was shooting great groups before I left for WY and also in Steve yard .. Just one of those things I guess ..

But I did take a great Doe from my stand less than a week being home from my trip ... :)

I came away from last years hunt with way more than an Antelope. I got to visit with good friends and made a few more while I was there. SteveB. and his wife lovely wife Rilda are very SPECIAL people and friends, as you and many other can attest to .. :)

When Steve dropped me off at the airport I honestly think he was more disappointed that I didn't tag a goat than myself.

Someday I'll get another crack at one of those WY speed goats, until then I'll just admire everyone else's .. :)

CONGRATS to all that have tagged one, and if you have some spare meat, throw some my way ... :);)

Sorry for the long winded post ...

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Well everyone, I made it back home to NY safely about 1am this morning or so. I am uploading my pics and will post some tonight when I get the chance. All I have to say is that what a wonderful experience and I met a bunch of wonderful people! I also have a new found respect for those who hunt antelope. What I thought would be a cake walk for another "P&Y" animal for my wall, turned out to be some of the hardest hunting physically, mentally and emotionally with highs and lows all on a quest to be successful. If you haven't tried antelope hunting don't make my mistake and think there is nothing to it. Also for those that can't understand misses at 30-40 yards, need to try it before passing judgement. When an accomplished archer like Tony can miss, ANYONE can miss.

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Congratulations on a fine goat Tony.

Glad you made it back home OK Ken, welcome back.

Still hoping everything will work out where my oldest daughter and I will get to hunt with Steve B next year. We will have to see how things go with this house and everything else.

Good luck to all who are there hunting this week.

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