Expanding my hunting experiences

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I took up hunting again about 8 years ago to get closer to my father. I am now 48 and he is going on 75. What a great experience it has been for us both. I also hadn't realized how much I had missed the woods of my childhood. I now start looking forward to deer season about a week after it ends. An elk hunt is also in the planning stages(saving $$). I have wanted to try M/L for some time and have purchased an inexspensive Traditions Pursuit II in .50 cal with a 26" nickel barrel 1:28 twist and thumbhole stock. The outfit also came with a 2-7x32 scope. I figured since the price was right, I would give it a go and see if I like it. I could use some guidance on the additional gear I need. I am looking for a general kit that is moderately priced that would have all the essentials. If I like M/L I would upgrade to better equiptment. Any suggestions? Also, what is considered a conical bullet? Traditions says to only use loose powder for these and I had planned on using pellets. From some of the posts I have read so far, it appears that each weapon has a favorite combo of powder and projectile. Does anyone have experince with my model and could give me a good starting point? Will anyone see my post in June? I am very much looking forward to practicing this summer and really do not have a doubt that I will enjoy this new hunting experience. Thanks for all replies.

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Welcome to the RT forums!

There are several members with a lot of experience. I'll link you to a information sheet that was supplied to me when I first started using the smokepole last season. It helped me a lot.

You can get starter kits at Cabela's or likely other places like that which will save you a lot of money. Being new to the sport I too was leaning toward pellets. However, I'm glad I went with powder instead. I can reduce the load to 70 grains for my 8 year old daughter which I could not do with pellets. In addition I use American Pioneer powder. Many peolpe have stated they don't like it, but it works great in my Remington Genesis and doesn't burn as dirty making cleaning easier. Cleaning is essential with smokepoles.

Good luck!


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My .02

Trying to ML "on the cheap" can lead to frustration and an early exit from the sport. Getting it right the first time is less expensive than trail and error. The link the poster provided is generally right on, but like anything else the sport advances from year to year. Take the poster above who stated "cleaning is essential". That is not necessarily true if using a powder like Blackhorn.

Speaking of powder, I've used over the years BP, Pyrodex, 777, and American Pioneer. They were all OK, but Blackhorn has been, for me, the best, unless one likes cleaning their MZ after every shot. But it is expensive, so much so if one were considering only cost it would surly be past over.

I've been doing this (MZ) for close to thirty years and here's what I use/need:

cleaning patches

cleaning jag


powder measure


powder/Blackhorn 209

bullet/Barns Spit-Fire MZ

Harvester sabots

You can buy all kinds of other goodies but the list above is all one really needs, IMO. Good luck!

Edited by Buzz
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I may want to relate ny experiences to you after my first foray into mz this next week. I traditionally buy things two ways;disposable-which is what my present system is, togive me the "flavor" of the sport and the best that I can afford. I will be in nortwestern Wisconsin so I'm sure I'll get many more opinions while I'm there. Hopefully a system will be born that I am cofortable with that is reliabe with predictable results and puts the game down clean.

Will let you know


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