Good day of fishing for the kids


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Saturday turned out to be a great day of fishing despite the humid weather. My son had a baseball game at 9am and a cub scout fishing derby from 9am-11am. We were able to get the game in and almost an hour of the fishing derby. Although he only caught one fish it was the largest catch of the day! The lake is just a small local park lake and was just put in 2 years ago. Later in the day we went boating/fishing at Beaver Damn State Park lake. A beautiful 59 acre lake that only allows trolling motors. I purchased the small john boat (in the picture) from a neighbor for 150.00 last month. It's not much to look at, but after a 40 thrust min-kota and a couple seats we are having a blast! After catching a bunch of small bluegil we were trolling back to the boat ramp using a crankbait at dusk when we hooked into a 17 inch 3.5 lb. large mouth. I had the line about 100 yards behind the boat so my daughter had a tough fight getting it to the boat. What a show it put on getting air a few times before finally getting him in. The lake limit is 15 inches so we were able to take it home. Made for a great lunch today!











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