Do you have these dreams?


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The ones where a big buck is in front of your stand, but no matter how hard you pull the trigger you cant move it? Or the scope is completely fogged? Last night it was a red fox at the base of my ladder, and my release wouldnt close. Then when i finally got it working (the fox looking at me like an idiot) i realize that instead of my carbons, i got my girls practice arrows they shoot with thier beginners bows. I decide to shoot one anyway, but the thing is so short it falls through my biscuit. Some shrink would probably tell me i have deep unresolved issues and that I am a dumb redneck, all of which are true I suppose. Was just curious if anyone else has these dreams where they just cant seal the deal.:wacko:

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John, i dont think you are alone here. Its called post traumatic buck disorder...:crutch:

this diagnosis is a direct result of hard days and evenings on stand, and you getting your a#! handed to you by the big one that has amazingly eluded you from year to year...It gets really bad when you actually had him in range, but couldn't get a shot....your dreams will intensify 10 fold after that happens...:beer::D

Doctor Smackdown

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i take liquid payment as well...:beer::D man do i love that smiley...that rules!

Seriously though, i feel your pain...I have a similar dream about 4-5 times a year, and 3 of them usually happen in November...It also happens to me with turkeys...Its always some sort of malfunction that is so unrealistic and stupid... crap that you would never consciously think of...its actually funny when you think of it..

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ive been dreaming about hunting the past few nights. probably has something to do with this illness i have caught called the hunting fever. Seems like i always catch it this time of year and it isnt cured until September 5th which is ironically the opening day of bow season. lol. i try to cure it with every hunting magazine and hunting story book i can find but nothing seems to help except sittin in a tree stand.

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ive been dreaming about hunting the past few nights. probably has something to do with this illness i have caught called the hunting fever. Seems like i always catch it this time of year and it isnt cured until September 5th which is ironically the opening day of bow season. lol. i try to cure it with every hunting magazine and hunting story book i can find but nothing seems to help except sittin in a tree stand.

this is not curing it are simply masking the can try all you want to cure yourself, but face it, youre doomed...:death::D:D Maybe there is some kind of 12 step program out there for all of us...

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I've had dreams where I was turkey hunting and a big tom was out in front of me but everytime I pull the trigger nothing happens. I've also had them where I am going out to the woods or on a hunting trip and I dont have my weapon. It is really quite frustrating:bummed:

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this is not curing it are simply masking the can try all you want to cure yourself, but face it, youre doomed...:death::D:D Maybe there is some kind of 12 step program out there for all of us...

the only 12 step program i know of is if you park 12 steps from your tree stand. or those last 12 steps of dragging that monster buck to the truck.

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So why can't we connect? I've pulled the trigger so hard and the thing finally just snaps. Just the other night i was fighting cottonmouths in a creek and the stupid .22 bolt action was acting up. I had the bolt in backwards. What the heck? You can't put it in backwards, but i did. Finally woke up just after I fell in the creek and had a big one after me and couldnt get a round off.

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Just the other night i was fighting cottonmouths in a creek and the stupid .22 bolt action was acting up. I had the bolt in backwards. What the heck? You can't put it in backwards, but i did. Finally woke up just after I fell in the creek and had a big one after me and couldnt get a round off.

Gator and I will sleep good tonight...Thanks da man! :rolleyes:

Maybe I'm weird but I've had some of those dreams where I do connect on a monster. Then the nightmare begins with all the false accusations. Can't say I've had any of those snake nightmares...yet.

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So why can't we connect? I've pulled the trigger so hard and the thing finally just snaps. Just the other night i was fighting cottonmouths in a creek and the stupid .22 bolt action was acting up. I had the bolt in backwards. What the heck? You can't put it in backwards, but i did. Finally woke up just after I fell in the creek and had a big one after me and couldnt get a round off.

LOL!!! What is wrong with you??? LMAO!!!!

too funny John...

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So why can't we connect? I've pulled the trigger so hard and the thing finally just snaps. Just the other night i was fighting cottonmouths in a creek and the stupid .22 bolt action was acting up. I had the bolt in backwards. What the heck? You can't put it in backwards, but i did. Finally woke up just after I fell in the creek and had a big one after me and couldnt get a round off.

LOL sorry that's funny to me lol

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haha i just remenberd one that i had. i was squirrel hunting this squirrel it was right in front of me. got my shotgun up shot and missed it, shot again missed it. it started running so i started running after it. so i was running shootin runnin shootin haha after about 20 shots it fell i went over to it. it jumped up....... you may think im liein but im not. it jumped up and started running after me i took my shotgun tryed to hit it and missed it...... so now i dont have a shotgun. man i was running as fast as i could and it was hot on my tail....i fell somehow and then i woke up that's no joke. lol

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Dang, Randy, why'd ya have to go dig that subject back up?:hammer1:

I had the flying dream the other night, first time in a long time. But for some reason I had a roll of this clear duct tape looking stuff, and you had to pull off a small piece of it to stick on your palms and that's where the flying power came from. I know it's pretty dumb, but I used my powers for good and was flying around town looking at scenery at the swimming pools in ppl's back yards.

you cant make this crap up.

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Night mares

I have a low cost OTC Drug store supplement that eliminates nigh mares.

If any one has chronic night mares I will pass it along to you in a a PM

I still have wild full color wellscriped- international world class dream but they end up OK!! TG

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