Atta boy Kid Rock.....


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I really wish Taylor Swift would move to the pop genre where she belongs. She is not a country singer and she just butchered the Def Leppard song. I love country music but the problem with the awards is that the same 5 people win year after year. There are a ton of newer bands out there with great music that get 0 recognition.

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kid rock has made friends with the outlaw country singers.All types of singers act that way.Even good old country singers.He was probably not the only buzzed up one in that croud but should not have been on t.v. Country music is where the money is, look at jon bonjovi.A lot of the newer country artist like kieth urban are not country.More like southern rock.Toby Kieth has that song smokin with willy.Promotes pot use, no different than some of kid rocks stuff.I do not like kid rock but hank jr. and other country singers have welcomed him to country music.People know how kid rock acts and they still ask him to be apart of the awards shows.Maybe they should not ask him to be on t.v. anymore? jmo

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Better question for you--why aren't you watching the Dodgers like I was last night. Thought you were a fan? :confused:

Was at a t-ball scrimmage until 9 and after that I was on the computer tracking the game while the kids finished watching Hotel for Dogs........satisfied???:D:D

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Country hasnt been country for a long long time. The reason that the same "pop" singers get nominated every year is because all your teeny boppers are voting for them. Or your run of the mill woman who thinks that keith urban is sexy and the dixie chicks rock:hammer1:. Guys like us are not going to take the time to "text" or send an email on who we think should be nominated.

This is the reason that you wont find any "keith urban" "taylor swift" or "carrie underwood" playing in my truck or anywhere around me. Hank Jr, Waylon, George (jones and Strait) alabama, ronnie milsap, keith whitley, charlie daniels band, david allen coe, the highway men, johnny horton (man I like johnny horton) and the list goes on and on.

Outlaw country is my kind of music and if that means kid rock is accepted in by the likes of hank williams jr (outlaw of outlaws) then welcome. Plus I love some Gretchen Wilson. The girl can sing like an angel then turn around drink a beer and run the truck through the mud. Woman after my own heart.

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