RANT I hate Motorcycles!


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Last night I got a call-from an Axis guide and deer trapper that goes to my church.

He told me that Chrystal Haynes and her husband Bo had been In a huge MC accident after church on Sunday afternoon

Chrystal is in her mids 30, Church Secretary, Electric piano Player and Music Director for Calvary Temple Church in Kerrville TX

She's personal Asst & Secretary for Pastor Del Way, my Pastor.

Chrystal is deathly afraid of his Harley and for reasons unknown Bo rode to church and left her car there and they went home on the Harley.

They live about 30 miles away near Medina & Bandera TX

Between Medina TX & Bandera TX they had a horrible wreck.!!!

They were airlifted to San Antonio.

At 6 PM Monday PM When the guide called he said Bo has had both of his legs amputated, and Chrystal had just died and they took her off of life support.

They have a 16 year old daughter who is the vocalist every Sunday and a 14 year old son

Christal was my rock in the Church, and she had recently started doing some preaching while she was playing.

If there was ever a person that was a Saint, it was her. Perfect Mother, loving Wife, dedicated servant of the Lord, and Tireless worker.

I was stunned I stil am.

Last year a young fellow in my church had brake trouble with his Harley.

It was Sunday afternoon and his 3 kids and wife were in the yard as he fixed the brakes on his bike.

He lives 1/2 block from a major road/highway so he stoked it up for a short 300 yards test ride to check the brakes.

He he started it it it went full throttle and screamed down the street at High speed towards a highway with heavy cross traffic, Since he could not stop he veered to the right to drop the bike on the soft grass...

Unseen was a concrete culvert that drained under the highway.

He hit the concrete at speed and hit hard, breaking his neck on the hard concrete killing him instantly, and his entire family saw the wreck! God Awful!.

Pastor Del Sold his Harley after that. it was George Straits old Harley.

Pastor Del was unhappy his 4 sons and wife ganged up on him to sell his ride.

So recently he quietly bought a new Harley.

Seems everybody in Kerrville is related to these two folks and its been a day of sadness that she didn't survive.

The newspaper said she suffered massive head injuries.

I doubt she wore a helmet. Bikers here often ride bare headed.

2 weeks ago a young man I bowhunted within Sabinal TX was killed on his bike. All these MC deaths just don't seem right.

A Buddy owns AA Tire in Ingram TX, super great Guy my age too.67.

He/they AA will come out on a Sunday to fix a flat on your car or tractor and never complain.

His 47 year old son was killed last Month on Goat Creek Road when he took a curve too fast. on hi old Harley in Kerrville.

I am devastated at the number of people killed here on MC.

About a Month ago I wrote a Letter to the local newspaper abou them wanted to stop rifle hunting in the City of Kerrville. Some old lady was worried somebody might shoot somebody and the city is banning the discharge of firearms even on hunting ranches.

I said no one has ever been shot for deer and they are bannign rifles, but there are about a dozen biker/ MC fatal accidents and nothing said about that.

The letter was published.

Needless to say I am upset. Too many deaths on MC!

There just appear to be disportionately lethal here in Texas.

Sorry I had to vent and rant,



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Tink thats terrible news my man. I think all riders should be required to wear helmets just like you have to wear your seatbelt. Sure seems bad luck has struck your community and I will say a prayer for Bo and everyone in the community....Lord knows they're hurting.

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Prayers sent to the families and friends, sorry to hear this Tink.

I don't condone Motorcycles, I do not ride one but everyone has right to own and ride them. Accidents do happen, sadly just a part of life.

Myself I would love to own one but just don't trust myself on one. I kinda like the old vintage 50's bikes and if I had one, it would be one like that.

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So sorry for those families, Tink, Prayers sent. I ride almost every day in the summer, but would never ride without a helmet even in states that allow it. I've had a friend or two get killed on bikes and it really gives you pause thinking about your family making it without you.

Also, my wife almost never rides with me for the kid's sake.

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Sorry for your loss.I have rode since I been 18 and I am 35 now.I have had a few friends killed and several close calls myself.People need to pay attention in cars and trucks.I don't drink and ride,that is how my one buddy lost his life.He was drunk and did not make a curve in the road he lived on.I don't think helmet laws make any difference.I don't wear a helmet, can't stand them.I can't see or hear as well with them on.A lot of times even if you have a helment on you still die from internal ingeries or snap your neck .My one buddy did.As far as a helmet law or seatbelt law I think that is comunism crap.The state just wants your money for fines.The government don't care about your health, just money.For those who don't ride, you have no right to judge a helmet law.Let those who ride decide.That is like a non hunter wanting to ban hunting because people die in hunting accidents.That is crazy talk.In Ohio it is illegal to wear a helmet in a car because it blocks your vision and hearing.Don't understand that, but that is what a cop told my buddy.Maybe stiffer laws on people in cars and trucks that hit a motorcycle.Might make people pay more attenition.It is not the motorcycle that takes the life of a person, it is usually a poor decition by someone.With that said, I am sorry for your loss and my heart goes out to you and the riders family. I have been there a few times, it sucks.God works in strange ways.

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Unfortunately it happens everywhere Tink:( I said it before...............that I used to call Motorcycles Donorcycles but don't anymore. Most people that die on them are busted up enough that they can't donate their organs:bummed: Plus helmets are not cool to wear. Apparently the alternative :death: is cooler. Prayers go out to your friends and you!!!!

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I feel for you and your friends. I've ridden for 45 years with a few minor mishaps. I've ridden year round even when I lived in the norhteast and colorado. Ice and snow and rain etc. Safety has no place in motorcycle riding. It's like flying in army helicopters or playing with guns it's just plain dangerous. Survival depends on being skilled and alert. Something our society doesn't teach these days. Having all the safety equipment in the world won't keep you alive when you screw up. But we learn these days safety and knowledge is king and help is only a 911 call away and they can fix you no matter how hurt you are. Gives too many a false sense of security. I see too many posers these days jacking around, so expect more deaths. Sorry, that's just the truth.


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Follow up

Chrystal's Mother was following them home and saw the accident So did the kids.

Bo went off the road and hit gravel ans then hit a guard rail that spun him back into the road..

Crystal was thrown to the road.

I sent this thread to my daughter

She wrote back as a kid I was never allowed to ride MC

I had strict parents

Boy I am glad now


I am not against MC , I just hate them My friends are a wild bunch and love to ride. They hunt and rope and ride and bowhunt and jump out of airplanes and volenteer for the worlds worst mission in combat-

I love to hunt dangerous game.

I am old and if a elephant or buffalo gets me that the way I want to go

Not in some hospital with tubes in my nose mouth and butt and poked full of needles and tubes surrounded by strangers.

I am Better today

Prayer service tonight

I am dressed in black today

Thanks Didnt want any one to think I was against the Freedom to ride.

BTW They were both wearing helmets, but it didn't save her.


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I would be willing to bet that cars kill more people than motorcycles.........I don't hear anyone complaining about being able to drive to town. Although i do wear a helmet I think it should be personal choice whether or not you want to. If the wrecks are major most times a helmet isn't going to save you. I've grown up on bikes and quads since I was 2...........They kept me away from drugs and bad stuff I shouldn't have done when I was young.

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Prayers sent to the families and friends, sorry to hear this Tink.

I don't condone Motorcycles, I do not ride one but everyone has right to own and ride them. Accidents do happen, sadly just a part of life.

Myself I would love to own one but just don't trust myself on one. I kinda like the old vintage 50's bikes and if I had one, it would be one like that.

I have been himhodding getting one. Probably would end up with a trike though. I do not like most bikes. Every one with loud pipes should be crushed.

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I love to hunt dangerous game.

I am old and if a elephant or buffalo gets me that the way I want to go

Well put Tink....and prayers for you and the families involved. I do however think that people who really love to ride, like we love to hunt, would feel the same way as the above quote. If they ride all their life, free and happy... then get killed on a motorcycle, that is the way they would prefer to go as opposed to getting killed by dangerous game. There is two sides of the coin here, and I see both. Any way someone dies, other than naturally is a shame...

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I would be willing to bet that cars kill more people than motorcycles.........I don't hear anyone complaining about being able to drive to town. Although i do wear a helmet I think it should be personal choice whether or not you want to. If the wrecks are major most times a helmet isn't going to save you. I've grown up on bikes and quads since I was 2...........They kept me away from drugs and bad stuff I shouldn't have done when I was young.

I'd wager that your right on overall total deaths simply because the number of passengers and people driving cars is far greater than that of cycles.

As for the percentage of deaths that occur from MC wrecks and car wrecks.........motorcycles is really high. I can't remember the exact statistic I had to learn in college, but MC deaths are WAY higher than passenger vehicles.

As for helmets.......it's the law to wear a seatbelt.....it should be a law to wear helmets. True if your in a bad enough wreck you would prolly die anyways.....but what about to road rash wrecks that are turned deadly from smacking your head off of asphalt at 70mph???

Just some food for thought....I'll try to find that statistic.

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Number of motorcycles involved in reported accidents (injuries, death or property damage) per 100 million vehicle miles traveled was 776.57 while the number of passenger cars involved in such accidents per 100 million miles traveled was only 423.13. In other words, you are almost twice as likely to be in an accident riding a motorcycle than riding in a passenger car.

The fatality rate per 100,000 registered motorcycle was 64.88 while the number of fatalities per 100,000 registered passenger cars was only 15.72. In other words, motorcycle accidents are four times more likely to be deadly than are passenger car accidents.

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Prayer service for Chrystal Haynes tonight

I knew when I was on time for church tonight and the parking lot was full that I was in for a night of emotions.

Front Page News in Kerrville Times, Kerrville TX.

Well learned Chrystal was 40, learned that Saturday the day before her accident was their 18th wedding Anniversary.

Bo took her to Austin TX to Watch Evil Knievel jump. Saturday

On His Harley

5 hour ride. Two hour Wait and Evils jump lasted 10 seconds.

She was excited now about the MC and asked maybe if she could get a little 250.CC bike they could ride together.

Pastor Del Way ( Google Him please) was/is devastated and cried often and deeply.

He told of the over 100 friends who took over the hall-of the hospital wing in San Antonio and made a VIGIL for her. The Staff let them use an unused doctors conference room to meet in.

A Church member who runs a hotel in San Antonio he gave out keys to suites for folks that had been up 43 hours and needed to clean up a bit.

her daughter who grew up overnight at 16 and now runs the family until Dad comes home with one leg.

She tried to speak tonight but her voice cracked so bad we don't know what she said.

Chrystal's- 14 year old son Micheal who didn't want to say good bye to Mom but did.

He was a man about it.

Del stayed with Chrystal until they prepped her and took to OR She is an organ donor,a nd BTW So AM I.

They harvested her Liver, her Kidneys and her heart.

The MD Who came to take her to OR introduced himself to Del.

Then he said "Del I used to come to your church until I moved to San Antonio.".....small world....

he waved Del good bye at the Elevator to OR and Said We will take very good care of her...

The anesthesiologist who comforted Del by saying WHO ARE YOU?

He explained Pastor, Friend Boss

Then she said

We want you to know I am giving the full dose that we would administer to any live person, and I promise you she wont feel a thing.

The Doctors told Del when a heart patient is slated for a donor they wear a buzzer/ pager 24/7.

Dr told Del Just imagine how happy and thrilled that person was when they got a buzz and was told to come to San Antonio Right now we have yoru new heart and how excited the recipient was.

Chrystal was officially pronounced Dead at 4:15 Pm Monday

At 5:30 PM her heart was beating in a new persons body, and we will get to meet that person someday.

So Chrystal, in her infinite Goodness and wisdom gave new life to three strangers.

She was the Youth minister. She wanted the new youth Center to be called "Penguin" and by Golly that what we will call the Youth Center Penguin youth Center

The Building will be named for her of course.

Bo the husband is going to be OK

The Church bought him a new wheelchair today and he was fitted with a temporary artificial leg.

Bo is beating himself up badly for that last ride together. Del is going to work with him so he doesn't do that.

Tonight I listed to Alan Jackson's SISSY SONG

I heard it many time but never knew the story but ti was a lady Biker that went way way too soon, like Chrystal.

It was written for a young biker lady and you can see her face at the end of the beautiful song.

Crystal wanted to be cremated.

They are taking some of her ashes and spreading them from the top of the Empire State building as she loved New York

She always wanted to go to Paris France... So Church c members will sprinkle some of her ashes over Paris, France.

Pastor Del announced that he would keep paying her salary for some time to come. The church broke into applause!

The Youth Girls were the hardest hit by her leaving. She bonded with so many young teen girls, and there was not a lady or girl in the Church with dry eyes or that did have a Kleenex.

They Are holding off the Memorial service so they can move Bo to come to the Memorial he has to be in the hospital for 3 more weeks he is very sore he says.. he is heart broke.

He has lost forever the Love of his life.

WE that go to the 11AM Sunday Service were the last to see her except her family and hear her sing and play..

Well She died Happy that for sure. When Del asked the EMT Folks they said due to the blows to the head she never felt a thing Instant's death- no pain- and the next second she was in heaven. Remember she made him happy for their anniversary and they lived life like real Texas

On the go all the times..Road trip to Austin in 100 heat

Maybe the Lord called her home to save her from a hard slow death in the future from a dread disease.

All We know if Jesus must have loved her very much to take her from her family and Church into his hands


Tink Nathan

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That really is a hear-wrenching story Tink. Thank you for sharing it with us. Stories like this make me think more every time I get on mine. Sometimes the practical side of me tells me I should just sell it, not so much for my sake but my family's, but I enjoy my time on it, and do my best to be cautious, but there's no guarantees in anything we do in life.

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The tears I cry are for the tears my friend Tink is crying now. You and your friends and family are in my prayers and I know you'll come out of this darkness with a new light in your life. Because that's simply what friends do, I would want that for me too. Update us any time my friend.

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