RANT I hate Motorcycles!


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I never heard of very many people wrecking at 70mph and only getting road rash even with a helment on.Is there any statistics on fatalities comparing states that have helmet law vs. states that don't have helmet laws [per motorcycle population]? I think a helment give a person a false sence of safety.I see kids wearing helments on crotchrockets doing wheelies, passing a car at the same time.They think with a helmet they are indestructable.I see more and more people that ride, that has no clue on how to be safe but they have a helmet on.More people are getting killed because there are more motorcycles on the road.Lots of people buying them because of gas prices.It does not matter if you wear a helmet or not, you have to make pay attention to what the other drivers do on the road and make good decitions about how you ride.Obey the speed limits ,don't drink and ride,stop at stop signs are just a few things riders can do to stay safe.Why do they make some motorcycles that can go 150 m.p.h.? There is no reason to go that fast on 2 wheeles or even 4 wheeles for that matter.The d.o.t. needs to make some new regulations on the motorcycle manufactures.jmo

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As for helmets.......it's the law to wear a seatbelt.....it should be a law to wear helmets. True if your in a bad enough wreck you would prolly die anyways.....but what about to road rash wrecks that are turned deadly from smacking your head off of asphalt at 70mph???

Just some food for thought....I'll try to find that statistic.

Talk about Irony!!! I posted this hours before dad did just that!:crutch:

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Glad Daddy is doing better

My Church will pray for him tomorrow

Bo the driver was taking a turn too fast got into gravel, then ht guard rail. Bo went over the guard rail to the right, Crystal was thrown off and while she was wearing helmet she landed on her head.

They were able to cover her bruises real well and they did her hair and put make up on her for her trip to see Jesus


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How was Laska?


It was a shock as I spoke to her after church at the 11:00AM Service-

She played keyboard, and her daughter is the soloist female singer.

Everything seem too well.

One couple who are not church people (Lady Went Once) are planning on coming to church on regular basis. Shook many people up

People expect old farts like me to buy the farm and check out, not someone like her.

I commented on Chrystal's going back to being a blonde again..............

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...Tink....-I don't know what to say....-this is too awful-

-I feel so bad for Crystals family, and friends, and church, and for your pain- I wish we could turn time back a week....

-I am glad I sold my Harley low rider years ago before I had kids- I really liked that bike, but I love life more....

-Terry's 1958 Pan sits here on a pedestal in the house;forever on display, not ridden after his best friend, and best friend's girlfriend with child, were killed on the way to his wedding,25 years ago-

-I am so sorry, Tink-

-Crystal sounded like a wonderful woman,wife, and mother....

-why do the worst things seem to happen to the best people?

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God will use this in his great plan Tink, He promises you some day you will understand the entire plan. I know you and all your friends and her family want her back, but I can promise you with out a doubt she love being where she is at.

Imagine looking into the face of Jesus and having him hold her in his arms. hearing the words well done my good and faithful servant. Prayers for her family, and for you.

Prayers for her husband who will have to live with the fact that one moment of bad judgment caused his own grief.

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Kathleen and other friends.....

Kath & Others.....yes you are so right.

Not only does her spirit live on but her life as her heart beats in another body since 5;30 PM Last Monday

She gave life to 3 strangers.

Motorcycles are like guns

Its people[ple who mis sue them and people not guns or motorcycles are and Can be lethal

I used to ride. At 16 I went thru Europe from France Luxembourg Belgium Germany Denmark Sweden back to Germany and home to Paris France on $100 US Dollars, 30 days a high school buddy and a 49 C.C. Lambretta motor scooter. I broke my right arm 2nd day and brother it was painful twisting throttle with broken arm.

i hit slick wet cobblestone and dumped my bike and my right arm hit a granite curb.

16 day later i went to the US army hospital in Wiesbaden AFB Germany and the DEL VIKING were all in the USAF as X ray guys and they reset my arm and put it in a cast

That was my warning shot about Bikes.

when graduate from HS I sold it for $125.00 and went back to the USA to join the Army

I Am glad terry has hi bike on display I hope he instills into yoru wonderful 5 kids the dangers of riding.

A bow is a lot more fun that a Low Rider or a Soft tail.

Pastor Del Way used to own George Straits Harley

and his new wife and his 4 sons made him sell it

I bet he has second thoughts about riding his new Harley any more.

Crystals Memorial will be next Saturday at 1 PM So Bo can be there.

Two years ago Bo's daddy was working under an 18 wheeler and somebody started it and dropped the truck on his Daddy mashing him to death.

Bo was the only fellow she ever dated in her whole life.

Her daughter Geneva has her voice and hopefully someday her playing keyboard talent

the Church youth center is being redone into a Starbucks café Mode and will act as teen center to keep teen off the streets and mall.

He have a full basket ball Gym and exercise center

the Penguin center will be named after her, She got the architect plans a week ago or so and she was ecstatic about the new Youth & teen center. Our Church's include 1000 Hills Biker Church and the 1000 Hill Cowboy church and a 4th church in Comfort TX

Its called Calvary Temple Church in Kerrville TX

I better get dressed for church in an hour.


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we we had our first Sunday Service and it was awesome..

we learned that Geneva her 16 year old daughter's Blood sugar went to 329 from the stress She has diabetes.

Bo he dad feel very bad

He said when someones came into his room and he raised his stump and said:

"This ain't nothing......................................."

(to what he is feeling)

Bo feels he let Crystal down

He said

"I promised her I would always take care of her

and I didnt....................................."

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  • 1 month later...

UpdateIn my grief i forgot to tell you that BO Haynes aged 41 is a bowhunter Bo, who lost his leg, shot 28 buck in a row with 28 arrows and an 80# PSE Bow thats 20 year old. Several week out of the hospital, Bo came and shot a 3D round with his 80# PSE Shooting fingers in a WALKER! His Mom 68 year old Sandy Shot with him, and his sister shot as did his son Micheal . Our church just found a general accident policy that says if a employees dies in a accident, and has kids enrolled in school the policy pays $12,000.00 towards school tuition Also when the church send in a payment of $312.00 on he Credit union loan, they sent the check back saying they crossed the loan off the books GOD IS GREAT. Photo of Crystal Haynes

CrystalHaynes.jpg 192KB.jpg


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Missed this earlier Tink.

So sorry to hear.

I'll keep those involved in my prayers.

In IL helmets are optional. Prior to having kids I rode one and had some close calls. I only wore a helmet on long trips. A friend I used to ride with got hit one night as he was ridding home from work. He had a helmet on, but the only thing it did was allow for an open casket. I sold my bike after that and have not been on one since. I love to ride, but just don't feel like the added risk is something I can take at this point in my life. (maybe once my kids are grown)

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He started it went full throttle and screamed down the street at High speed towards a highway with heavy cross traffic, Since he could not stop he veered to the right to drop the bike on the soft grass...

This was the problem! Why did he preform such a stupid stunt to begin with! Its people like this who give motorcycles a bad name. I been riding a motorcycle since 1984. I also was an EMT for nine years and seen my share of motor vehicle accidents. When a motorcycle was involved, nine times out of ten the bike was going way too fast, and the other driver did not see them!

I am very sorry for your loss! But I did not want to respond to this thread, but you are putting your hatred for motorcycles when the actual problem is the people who are using them!

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Not that way sirKind sir Our Biker church and the Police found out when he started it up the throttle was stuck and he raced off with him as a hapless passenger. Somehow when working on the brakes he messed up the throttle I Am Life NRA Member There are defective bikes and defective firearms He was not a stunt Guy Its was a cruel accident Yesterday we had a fund raiser in the Kerrville city Park for the Family of Bo Haynes. Bo has severe Phantom pain the the foot he no longer has -there no case or treatment for it. Bo is hurtign inhis foot and soul. You Biker me Pray for Bo Haynes. He is waiting for the stump to harden so he can get a new leg. Pain robs his sleep. Operation Bows and heroes who help wounded war hero gave Bo Brand new dozen of 2514s i made up. Right now we are working on his mental health and broken heart as his bride Cyrstal of 19 years and one day is gone forever. Thanks sir TINK NATHANWWW.OperationBowsandheros.com

Operation  Bows and Heroes Logo 1.6MB Large file.jpg


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I've wanted one but haven't gotten one. It's unfortunate when accidents like those happen. However, I don't know if I could tell someone they couldn't ride one. It's a freedom they have a right to, same as those who bare arms. However, like guns they can kill and shouldn't be taken lightly in terms of safety and responsibility while using them. It's a sad, but inevitable truth.

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Somehow when working on the brakes he messed up the throttle

He was not a stunt Guy

Its was a cruel accident

Here again, something that he caused, and could have been avoided. I have come to the conclusion, from all the accidents I have seen in my ten years running with the city ambulance. Something or somebody has to be responsible for these types of accidents.

Either way, lives were lost. Prayer's to the families.

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PIX of BO HAYNEShere is a pix of BO Haynes widower of Chrystal he is a bowhunter Shoots a 20 year old PSE with fingers killed 28 buck ina row without a single miss Bo recently shot a 3D round on a walker 3 weeks after losing his leg His 17 yo Son Robert also shoot as wellas his 68 year old Mom pray for the family



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