Say a Prayer for The KAT's dad


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I believe so. OU Med Center is downtown, and NOT in Norman though, I found out the hard way couple years ago

Yep it's right up by the capital.............The have most of the best specialists in the state. He is in good hands without a doubt. If something like that happened to me that is where I would want to go. The doctors up there see this stuff all the time.

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Last time I talked to Kyle, he believed that his father was going to pull through. He had talked to the trooper that covered the accident and apparently was assurred enough that he felt everything would be OK. That being said, as of that time, they had not yet got his father's condition stabilized and the doctors were not telling the family much.

It's hard not to just call him, but he doesn't need to be worrying about us. I've sent a text for him to update when he can. Will let everyone know if I hear from him.

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Yep, I've been talking on and off with him thru the morning. He's doing as well as can be expected and I told him his Okie and Realtree families are praying for him.

He really felt like the whole thing was a dream when he woke up. When I talked to him I think he was still in shock from the fact that we were just talking about this yesterday and it happened today.

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Just got off the phone with Kyle. His father is awake and talking, but not yet out of the woods. His brain is beginning to swell and the doctors are basically in a watch and see mode. They're not sure how much it will swell or whether they'll need to do surgery.

Kyle says his father is still out of it. He thinks that the inmates and the jail he works at have beaten him up. He doesn't remember what happened.

Kyle says he will try to keep us updated as much as he can. I told him that he had a lot of prayers coming from Realtree and he said to tell ya'll that they need as many as you can muster. He's really worried.

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