Very Nervous


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Going to the doc tomorrow around noon.

Got some funky feelings going on in my neck that aren't going away. I called him and he said "I'll squeeze you in..." I imagine I'm in for some ultrasounding and FNA's, so send up a prayer if'n you think aboot me, eh?


99.9% sure there's something going, on in there. :(

I'll keep you posted.

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Sorry to hear it Chris. I hope you have a good outcome. Could be something pretty simple like a strained muscle/tendon. I hope so anyway.

Not that you want to hear this, but IF you do have disc problems there, your much better off with surgery in that area than the lower back, but hopefully you don't need to go that route.

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I'm very sorry to hear that. I can sympathize a bit, my wife has been dealing with disc problems every since the kids were born. Some days are really hard on her. Docs just want to keep writing scripts. Even spend 5K out of pocket on a procedure that ins wouldnt cover on "the latest and greatest" thing that was going to make it all better. It didn't work. :(

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