rough time for our 3 year old-about to head to the hospital


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glad to here the surgery is over my kids have had their tonsils and adenoids removed,give her popsicles and freezies as they help numb her throat till it starts to feel better but don't let her use a straw to drink anything with as it can cause problems get well soon little one

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Sounds like your physician should have considered her recurrent problems....done the surgery sooner before it ended up getting bad.

Ohhhh, don't even get me started Ruth.:( I feel really bad that we did not know. My wife has already said that she will be contacting our family doctor and letting him know that she is very unhappy that he misdiagnosed her, especially after I asked him specifically about tonsillitis when I had her in there less than 2 weeks ago. This physician has been our family doctor for over 12 years, it bothers me that she went through this when it probably could have been avoided or at the very least dealt with properly much earlier on.

Apparently the antibiotics she was on kept the problem slightly masked enough that we did not know there was still a problem. She was on a 10 day amoxil, day 11(Friday) was when her fever came on.

Allison did not want me to take her picture after she came back from surgery, but she did let me take one before she went back. She looked a little better after they got the iv in her, but she still was a bit out of it.


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we had the same problem with our daughter and her tonsils she had so many attacks of it many er trips to the hosiptal with high fevers and stuff finally I said enough is enough so we went to another ear nose and throat and he said they should come out so I said we were send to one ent and he said they don't have to come that nite she was back into er ,so the ent who removed them put her on very strong antibotics till she got in and ahd them out and after the surgery was done she was fine no more problems, they bounce back really quickly when they are young

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Thank you all again for the prayers for her and for us. We are still having some problems getting Allison to eat or drink anything, tough getting a 3 year old to understand.

Sunday late Catrina got pretty worried that Allison might get dehydrated because she would not drink anything at all. She was a little more cooperative yesterday afternoon, but she still won't eat anything so far today. She is drinking a lot of milk, that is better than nothing at all. Despite offering every type of soft food you can imagine(several different flavors of puddings, applesauce, yogurt, ice cream, popsicles, milkshakes, mashed potatoes, soup, macaroni and cheese) she just will not even try to eat, try to get her something and she runs and hides in her bed. Figure it may be a few more days yet before she gets to feeling better and when she does get her appetite back she will probably eat a lot, sure would make us feel better if she would try to eat a little though.

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When she does get her appetite back don't let her eat too much.

I made that mistake myself personally when they took my stomach tube out. When your stomach shrinks and then you eat too much... let's just say it's EXTREMELY unpleasant!

Glad to hear she's drinking something.

More prayers.

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My wife is a wreck at the first sign of blood on the kids. Mother in law is an RN and any sign of illness and she starts talking about the possibility of rickets, scurvy, rabies and crap that was irradicated 50 years ago. She comes up with the worst possible thing it could possibly be. Gets on my nerves, lol.

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