Hunters Helping Hunters press release


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Hunters Helping Hunters is pleased to announce the appointment of Kathleen Christenson as Vice President of Fundraising. Kathleen was nominated and appointed by unanimous vote at the regular HHH meeting held on June 10, 2009. She lives in Seward, Alaska and is the mother of 5 children. Kathleen is the head of her local Friends of the NRA committee, teaches the IBEP Bowhunter ED classes in her area, and is an active member of the Realtree Forums. We are excited to have Kathleen on board and feel that she will bring some fresh ideas to the table.

Kathleen was kind enough to share a short bio about herself: ...just to start with a few details about my family....we have five children, ages three to thirteen. We trap from Nov. through March, primarily for martin, mink, beaver, and wolverine.

We hunt black bear, moose, sheep, and mountain goat. A moose will feed our family for two years; but we fill the freezers mostly with bear and fish.

I homeschool the children, and we try to incorporate as much of the hunting, trapping, and fishing we feel blessed to enjoy, within the homeschool enviroment.

My other half runs commercial construction here in Seward, and we try to "get away" once a year, together, in August to hunt Dall sheep.

-I first came up here to Alaska in 1994, to commercial fish (after college). I grew up in Richardson, Texas and my parents still reside there.

Welcome aboard, Kathleen.

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Wow if Kathleen grew up in Richardson she may know my stepfather or his family. Congrats on the position Kathleen.


Check out my location - born and raised in Richardson.

I'll be in Oklahoma at Camp Hale (Boy Scout summer camp) all next week.

Edited by hogwild63
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