I'm proud...but this may sound pathetic...


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Last night Dad taught me how to make home made popcorn...well...I just made my first batch by myself and it is delicious! :D:D:D Just set the pot and lid on the stove with popcorn covering the bottom and canola oil just covering the layer of popcorn and it pops a full big bowl. :cool: This may sound pathetic to you guys, but popcorn is a big snack thing in our family. We never have microwave popcorn. Before we watch a show or a movie Dad will make a big bowl or will make a bowl after a long day of work. He usually makes it 4-5 times a week. It's almost tradition, one that our dogs, particularly the black lab, love. :D:D:D If she's in the mood for popcorn she'll stand or sit in front of us when we are on the couch. Once she gets our attention we'll ask if she wants popcorn and she jumps up and down growling "robble...robble, robble, robble, robble"! :eek::D So then Dad makes robble! :D:D:D Connie, the lab, is the official taste tester of all fresh robble. :D:D:D Apparently I make good popcorn because Connie approves. :D:cool: It's just cool to be able to carry on a family tradition. :cool:

Dakota :)

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I do the microwave thing. I can remember as a kid growing popcorn in the garden and cooking it in a black iron skillet over the fire in the winter time. Not a tradition, or something we did often, but I guess just my dad reminiscing about times when he was young and had no electricity. I try to show my kids as much as I can about old tyme things, but hard to make popcorn over gas logs. :eek:

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Where do you get your popping corn at Dakota? Sounds like I might have to try that.

Well, we usually just go to the store and buy it in the popcorn section. They have it there in yellow and white varieties. We usually buy the white kind. They are just bags of kernals. However, lately we have also been growing our own Indian Popcorn and that stuff is the best! :D:D:D When we run out of that we just switch to store bought. Ours didn't germinate though this year due to cold weather. :( You can buy the little packets to grow your own Indian popcorn. It is the best, almost hull-less and has a really nutty corn flavor to it. :cool: You guys gotta try it! :D

Dakota :)

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Last night Dad taught me how to make home made popcorn...well...I just made my first batch by myself and it is delicious! :D:D:D Just set the pot and lid on the stove with popcorn covering the bottom and canola oil just covering the layer of popcorn and it pops a full big bowl. :cool: This may sound pathetic to you guys, but popcorn is a big snack thing in our family. We never have microwave popcorn. Before we watch a show or a movie Dad will make a big bowl or will make a bowl after a long day of work. He usually makes it 4-5 times a week. It's almost tradition, one that our dogs, particularly the black lab, love. :D:D:D If she's in the mood for popcorn she'll stand or sit in front of us when we are on the couch. Once she gets our attention we'll ask if she wants popcorn and she jumps up and down growling "robble...robble, robble, robble, robble"! :eek::D So then Dad makes robble! :D:D:D Connie, the lab, is the official taste tester of all fresh robble. :D:D:D Apparently I make good popcorn because Connie approves. :D:cool: It's just cool to be able to carry on a family tradition. :cool:

Dakota :)

I grew up on that stuff coming from a po family! Never complained. In fact, my sister and myself found out you can pop it outta birdseed one day. Different taste some will say, but popcorn is popcorn till you dress it up to your liking.

Have done your method too. Really holds and distibutes the salt I lay on it alot better.

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Popcorn is without a doubt my all time favorite snack. I could eat it everyday. I never eat microwave popcorn.sick0020.gif

Try making the yellow popcorn instead of the white. It will be less tough. Add melted butter and salt then go to town.

If you have a couple dollars get one of these.


It's called The World's Best Popcorn Popper. This little baby makes the best popcorn and makes it a lot easier too.

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There's a whole bunch of stuff you can eat if you want to eat healthy....................

When it comes to popcorn, there's only ONE thing to pop it in.

L A R D................................


Might not be good for you, but it sure is good...

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