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Mike, I am no biologist :). You were in NO danger.

But that looks like your common garden variety Garter snake.

Many of which I have collected and taken to work to have fun with in guys tool boxes:shifty::p.

Yep, Garter Snake. Nice to have around I think, but I don't see a lot around here anymore.

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Main course for the local hawk and coon population that resides here in NY. Can't even begin to tell you how common they are here. They do plenty more good than harm if you can get past the fact that they are still a snake.

Garders are nice to have slithering around the garden. Worms, slugs, snails, cattapillars, ants.... they're all on the menu for the better!:smoke:

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I knew what it was. Just testing the masses. I wasn't ascared in the least.:flex: There were actually 3 of them there. Two slithered away as soon as I picked up the corrugated plastic. This guy needed a poke to move along. I'll be busting up the neighborhood in a few weeks when I brush hog and plant some turnips.

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