Picture up on Hoyt Website


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I got my picture up on Hoyt's website, but they seemed to change my story around a little bit and added a few of their own words.

Eastern Gobbler Taken with a Hoyt Vulcan

"This was my first year ever turkey hunting and my new Hoyt Vulcan was coming along with me. After hunting hard for a week I had two toms come within 20 yards and I shot the bigger of the two. I've never shot a smoother or more accurate bow in my life. I'm proud to say that my first turkey ever was shot with my Vulcan. "

They added the "I've never shot a smooter or more accurate bow in my life."

Guess that is pretty much true. My 2008 Black Ice is right up there with this bow though, for smoothness and accuracy. Guess my own words weren't good enough.

Edited by Tom2008
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