Never buying another Scentblocker Product Again!

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  Squirrelhunter91 said:
The title says it all. Last year before my trip to Texas I picked up a brand new pair of Scentblocker Dream Season Boots on clearance for $99. I thought I got one heck of a deal. Little did I know they wouldn't last. They got me into and through deer season, with a little moisture getting in. Then turkey season came around and they were shot. Every puddle, every creek I crossed, any type of water I stepped in, would get in the boots. I don't know what happened to them. They were supposed to be waterproof? So then yesterday after cleaning around the house and putting away my turkey stuff, I found my boots. So I decided to call up Scentblocker and explain my problem and see what they would do about it.

I was given a blatant NO. We can't do anything. You have to go back to the retailer you bought them at and they have to warranty it. I bought these boots at Dick's Sporting Goods, a solid 1/2 hour ride from my house. So after having a few choice words with this woman, I dug up the receipt and called Dick's to explain my problem and see if I could exchange them. I spoke to a woman in Footwear and she said to come in and the exchange would be ok. So I get up there, get the boots, head over to the exchange register and I was told NO. You can't exchange this because the transaction is over 90 days old. I tell her to get her manager. Her manager comes down and says the same exact thing. So I tell the manager that I wanted to speak to her boss. Her boss comes down and after I have a few select words with all 3 of them, he says I could do the exchange. I ended up having to pay a $20 + $10 (tax) difference in the price of the boots. So I finally got the 2009 Scentblocker Dream Season Boots.

I was extremely angry after going through all of that with Scentblocker and Dick's. I told Dick's about how the manufacturer wasn't backing it's product and how I was extremely dissatisfied with the level of customer service I was receiving from both them and a brand they carried.

But honestly, I'm never going to buy a Scentblocker product again. They have horrible customer service and I'm disgusted with them.

I am not a big fan of Dick's either Joe. They claim to know a lot about the outdoors but they do not. The closest one to me is an hour, but those ppl are just a bunch of city folks that don't know squat. They were showing the new Monster Bucks videos on their TV in the outdoor section. I scanned that whole, section to see if I could locate them. Finally they told me that they didn't have any DVDs out and they didn't think they had the Monster Bucks in stock. I asked why are they showing it, asked them to check and they had a few back in their storage. In my opinion their outdoor hunting section is pretty darn lame, they don't have much there at all. Will be going to Gander Mountain for now on, even though the drive is about 2 hrs long. Their prices are so low its amazing. You can find great deals at Gander Mountain.

Way to put your foot down Joe and get it done.

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  Jeramie said:
Yup, Yup....

I bought a pair a few years back. Ill never switch.

Hahhahahha........... Funny thing is I just bought my 2nd pair of them yesterday. My first pair lasted me 3 years and I'm hard on boots. These had a small leak by the heal which I patched last season with wader patch. I could prob make it thru another season or 2 with them but I bought another pair for just in case.

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My Cabela's Dura Trax are holding up great! This will be my 5th season with them, still look new! I never had any problems with my Rockies. 1200 gram Thinsulate all leather construction. Heck, I just re-soled them last year. No leaks either! I am guessing I had these boots over ten years now. Maybe I should have bought two pair!!!

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Im really suprised, i never really read much on the scentblocker boots, i bought a pair of scent blocker dream season last year and i wore them all the way tell december 15th here in canada (some -27's) and i love them, there the most comfy boot i ever wore and extreamly light.

Mine are the insulated models

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I have pair of Rocky's that I love, they are warm and haven't leaked in the four years I have been wearing them. I just read an article in the new field and stream where they had a police dog trail a guy wearing different types of boots including rubber boots and the dog could not trail the guy of either boot trail if it was hours old but found all of them when he searched withing 15 minutes. The moral or that story was get in your stand early and buy whatever boots are most comfortable on your foot.

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  Flintlock1776 said:
My Rocky's never leaked. The Lacrosse are great too. Seems to be the ones most like here!:)

Took my Rocky's to South Dakota for the pheasant opener. It was great and the walking was rough. My Rocky's did their job. Got my feet wet, but never got cold.

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  • 1 month later...

You won't be sorry for buying LaCrosse, Rocky boots are junk! It's pretty bad when the boot cracks in cold weather, they are not for me! I have a pair of LaCrosse 1200 rubber boots that have seen many many falls and winters here in Michigan, at least 10! The buckle straps are still fine and still waterproof.

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  • 3 months later...

i love the lacrosse boots but my girlfriend bought herself some Rockies about 3 months before bow season and she loved them a week and a half into bow season the sole pealed off one got back to the truck and the other sole was loose they cost too much to only last 3 months now all we wear is lacrosse

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