Taurus 605?


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They look and feel pretty good too. I picked one up at a gun show last weekend. Before that I thought I had to have a Semi Auto for carry but now im leaning toward a wheel gun.

Im also considering the Taurus 85 Ultra Lite. Im really just wanting to carry +P rounds. Shooting a .357 out of that small of a frame may be a little painful!

I found one on Gunbroker with Crimson trace grips already on it but it was ported. Im sure it would have been really, really loud. I had a Taurus in .357 with a 6" barrel and that thing was so loud....

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Taurus makes good revolvers for the money. Make sure the one you buy has no hitches in it and is smooth. Plus P 38's are a good choice in a small handgun like that. And you need to practice to be able to hit anything. At least get snap caps and dry fire it. Yes it's very loud. Any handgun is. Especially if you fire it inside your house or car for defense. Use ear protection. If you have to defend yourself it's worth the pain. The laser sights aren't worth much really. You still need to practice. My wife and brother like them but I don't use them and still outshoot them even when it's nearly dark just because I practice. If you don't get a good trigger squeeze, break and follow through the laser won't help. It has helped my wife because when she dry fires she keeps the dot on target during and after the shot so her form has improved by using it during practice. If that dot dances all over the wall after the trigger breaks that shot will go wide. If it stays put you'll hit.


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Yes it's very loud. Any handgun is. Especially if you fire it inside your house or car for defense. Use ear protection. If you have to defend yourself it's worth the pain.

Actually I was talking about the porting. Ive been shooting handguns for about 15+ years..... ;)

I found a blued frame with a nickel cylinder for $335. I’m waiting for the gunshow the 18th before I bite. Hopefully I can pick up one cheap!

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Weight and recoil was the biggest concern I had in an ultra light snubby. The .38 +p loads im loading are hot. That is the only reason I was headed toward the .357 frame.

Until I found out the 85ul handles +p loads. That would allow for a lighter carry and a somewhat smaller frame.

Im still on the fence though. You may be on to something. I could practice with the .38's and carry .357....

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My brother has an airweight S&W in 357 and carries it in a wallet type holster (keeps all the goodies in your pocket out of the trigger guard) he doesn't shoot often and prefers 38 +Ps. It conceals nicely. If you can learn to handle the recoil and get back onto target quickly, more power is always better. You are betting your life here.


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