Never know what your going to come up on...


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Last night me and a few buddys decided to go do some bowfishin on what used to be the old river channel of Red River. We got down there about 10 last night and put the john boat in and headed out... we used a push pole and got up in some good coves and what not, we saw a few good ones and shot several gar. We got to one end of this place and loose the prop of our trolling motor.. so we had to push our way all the way back to the truck...

By then its like 245 in the morning... We get everything loaded up and head out. We get about 4 miles down the road and on the highway and we come up on a truck rolled over on its top... I bail out and ran over to the truck to find an 18 year old girl inside, She was freaking out! couldn't get out and had been there about 10 mins she said people kept driving by but wouldn't stop. I identified myself and told her that I was a fireman and finally got her to calm down and turn the key on and roll the window down so she could climb out, with blood covering her face I didn't know if she had any major cuts or injurys. I had my buddy call 911 while I carried her up to the truck to get a better look. It look OHP an hour and 20 mins to get there... Luckly she wasn't hurt or anything, considering she wasn't wearing a seatbelt and took one heck of a slam dunk, In my opinion was lucky to be alive, and all she could think about was how her truck was totaled.....

You never know what your gonna come up on out there...

Edited by struttinhoyt
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When I started reading this I half expected to read about a bad encounter with a gator or snakes climbing in the boat with you.

You're right...she was lucky to be alive not wearing a seat belt and even luckier that someone like you drove up on her that time of the night. With other cars driving by there's no telling how long she would have been trapped in there freaking out. All I've got to say is...You da man!!!

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