Ms. Pac-Man


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Man i am addicted to this game...went and bought one of these plug and play things and have been playing it non-stop for the last 2 days grin.gif it has Ms. Pac-Man, Galaga, and pole position on it along with a couple other games that i have never heard of. i am addicted to this thing about as much as i am addicted to this place tongue.gif OK, well maybe i wouldn't go that far but i sure am addicted to the game smirk.gif

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Re: Ms. Pac-Man

This post has nothing to do with hunting or Realtree, and should be deleted.AAAAAUGH. JUST KIDDING. grin.gif This is that last time I do that. Promise. I love all the old games. I had a chance to buy an Atari 4600 with a bunch of games, but I passed. Dumb. Wish I did now.

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Re: Ms. Pac-Man


This post has nothing to do with hunting or Realtree, and should be deleted.AAAAAUGH. JUST KIDDING. grin.gif This is that last time I do that. Promise. I love all the old games. I had a chance to buy an Atari 4600 with a bunch of games, but I passed. Dumb. Wish I did now.

[/ QUOTE ]

Just don't post any pics of Ms Pacman grin.gif

I used t love that game, played it for hours in the ole pizza parlor.

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