The Cap & Trade Bill


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They vote today on this nonsense that will kill our economy. Below are the toll free numbers to the House and a link to a complete listing of all reps with their office numbers. Call them TODAY! Don't urge, don't ask, don't request, DEMAND that they vote against this garbage. Remind them for whom they work and are suppose to represent, "We the People" have had enough of this crap.



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Yep, if this goes through, EVERY type of energy we use will have a significant price increase. Gasoline, electricity, natural gas, heating oil, absolutely everything will go up in cost. And of course that will rapidly be followed by a nice round of double digit inflation.

If you think $5 a gallon gas is a good thing, or if you like $600 a month electric bills, then contact your Senators and Representatives and tell them to support this measure.

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It just passed the House. This doesn't look good. This is going to hurt people on fixed incomes or those just barely making it. Choosing the environment over people's needs. Bunch of sociopathic idealists at best. I'll be okay, but lots of these folks around the 55 plus neighborhood aren't going to be able to run their A/C like before. It gets to 110 on a fairly regular basis here. I can't imagine not being able to afford A/C and living in a high crime area and not being able to leave your doors and windows open. At least in winter you can put on more clothes. We need to vote them all out of office. They just don't get it.


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It just passed the House. This doesn't look good. This is going to hurt people on fixed incomes or those just barely making it. Choosing the environment over people's needs. Bunch of sociopathic idealists at best. I'll be okay, but lots of these folks around the 55 plus neighborhood aren't going to be able to run their A/C like before. It gets to 110 on a fairly regular basis here. I can't imagine not being able to afford A/C and living in a high crime area and not being able to leave your doors and windows open. At least in winter you can put on more clothes. We need to vote them all out of office. They just don't get it.


What everyone NEEDS TO DO NOW is to contact your two Senators, and inform them if they vote infavor of this bill then they will be out of a job after the next election. I recommend you pass this along to your friends & family by e-mail, and tell them to do the same.

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