Bowhunter's Pick a spot 4 with scenarios


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Says you! He is a shooter here. The shoulder plate goes back over his vitals in that position. Tree is a hindrance. Might catch liver shooting back, but why chance it. There should be another group of dots next to the yellow. Lets make them black for death! Second from the bottom.:smoke:

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I'd pass him up. The deer clearly has bad manners and is belching in the in all seriousness I would pass this shot completely. Too much lil stuff hanging down, and chances are if he is moving your not going to focus in on it well enough to avoid it.

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If he is walking I would hold where the neck meets the shoulder, to the right of the next to the bottom yellow. Too much stuff to swing with the deer so picking a spot and letting him walk into the arrow is the way to go. At that distance if you can not hit a walking deer you may well eat a lot of tag soup. The other option is to grunt just as he starts moving the near leg forward and he might stop as he completes that step, but it looks like he is too busy grunting on his own to hear you. It was more open several steps back and I would have like to have stopped him then. Being an "arm chair" hunter is pretty easy. Actually being there would surely change things.

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I'd pass him up. The deer clearly has bad manners and is belching in the in all seriousness I would pass this shot completely. Too much lil stuff hanging down, and chances are if he is moving your not going to focus in on it well enough to avoid it. shot there!

I'd have to let him walk and see if I could stop him once he's passed and in a shooting lane quartering away!

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