Find the Deer


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-I'm pretty tired and need to catch a few hours of sleep before heading back out to the bait-

-I'd like to look at it more tomorrow-

but, first glance....-does there seem to be something on the right, under the shade of the larger bush of the diagonal line of bushes,in front of that rock outcropping?- is that the hind end/quartering away of a deer?

-if I were in that hot heat, that's the kind of place I'd want to be-

-under a bush.....

-looks like a great trip, Jeff!

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-I'm pretty tired and need to catch a few hours of sleep before heading back out to the bait-

-I'd like to look at it more tomorrow-

but, first glance....-does there seem to be something on the right, under the shade of the larger bush of the diagonal line of bushes,in front of that rock outcropping?- is that the hind end/quartering away of a deer?

-if I were in that hot heat, that's the kind of place I'd want to be-

-under a bush.....

-looks like a great trip, Jeff!

That's what I saw...

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i saw that one, and one you may have missed. left of screen, midway in the trees, about an inch down from the top of the trees. there are two trees about 1 1/4 inches from the left. i think i see doe laying in the shade, looking at us. head and ears only. it also looks like a little one grazing to her right. or, maybe i need more coffee....

just one doe is not typical. there should be a few more does. what is typical is that it's mid day by the lack of shadows. you're in new mexico in late june, so it's hot. any animal will be in the shade of a tree or rock. the doe on the right probably got up to pee and had a mid day snack, which is not unusual at all.

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i saw that one, and one you may have missed. left of screen, midway in the trees, about an inch down from the top of the trees. there are two trees about 1 1/4 inches from the left. i think i see doe laying in the shade, looking at us. head and ears only. it also looks like a little one grazing to her right. or, maybe i need more coffee....

just one doe is not typical. there should be a few more does. what is typical is that it's mid day by the lack of shadows. you're in new mexico in late june, so it's hot. any animal will be in the shade of a tree or rock. the doe on the right probably got up to pee and had a mid day snack, which is not unusual at all.

I see it steve!

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