bear baiting - first vid clip for starters...


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....thanks, guys....

-Anthony- I really like this sight- the Tru Glo- the LED pins are so bright, I don't even need to use the battery light attatched(artificial light is illegal to use in AK...and, lots of other states, though-)

-yes, I have seven pins...-lol- but, only accurately set to 40- I'll set the 50, 60, and 70 pin before Wyoming, though.....:)

-I only have this bow poundaged (is that a word?-lol)- to 43 lbs...

(it's maxed out, actually a youth bow- )

-I love this bow-

-I have a Martin Jaguar set at 55 lbs....the AK min. for mtn goat, brown bear, moose,bison etc- is 50 pds-

-min draw weight up here for black bear, sheep, caribou, deer, wolf, wolverine, is 40 -

-Miranda....-yes...-I would have taken this bear...-we are not too concerned about the size- primarily want to just fill the freezer...

-and his coat was absolutely BEAUTIFUL..-all the bears that came in and were watched/filmed were...we were pretty fortunate to have ended up with a great area, and had between 5-9 bear coming in every evening-

a lot of work, though....-prior to hunting over the bait, and during/ also, seperate runs in with bait, mornings, etc-

-what we used as bait seemed to attract just black bear, no brownies.....(unfortunately, the brown bear have gotten in there , now- one more day left(as far as baiting)- we'll see what happens-

-We got the bait station going this year for Jim- he was up here for 2 weeks-Terry lined him out on the station, and he ended up hunting pretty much solo most evenings.... I'm sure he will be posting pics here soon....

-he ended up getting a lot better quality video than I did-(that is, after he kept coming back on the 4-wheeler each night, telling us these stories of all the great bears coming in-I said,"Jim, use that fancy new camera you have and take some VIDEO"- I listened to all the excuses...-"I'm in the treestand"-and..."well, where am I going to put my bow", and -oh- I loved this one..."you see, my release is different from yours...I can't hold the camera"-)


so, hence the clips I decided to take here(more to come)- I had been running bait out mornings, and Jim was hunting the evenings- Terry and I had been WAITING (ok, Jim...just PICK hunt until Jim harvested....he ended up getting some AWESOME pics and video...and, a respectable bear.....I'll let him fill ya'll in......:)

-the evening of this clip, I got to go out in the evening- Jim took a break-

-I'm just going to keep posting video clips until he gets around to posting...:)

oh- and he and Terry went out on a halibut charter...-they had good weather...-didn't get into the big ones, but at least he was able to take home a 50- lb box of fish and meat with him- the smaller ones are tastier, anyway-

-Jim took my IBEP class when he got up here (required to hunt bear over bait in this game area of AK)- and he was really helpful with some of the other guys in the class with his bow equipment knowledge- he helped this one kid out that had something wrong with his bow; we were all racking our brains trying to figure out what it was, and Jim figured it out-

-hey, Buckee....-yes, you are right- the bears are quite hard to judge- this one looks not too bad in size...especially lying down-but, in some later clips I'll post, you can see when they stand up, how long their legs are-

-beautiful coats, for sure!

-and they all taste great!

-there were a lot of small ones coming in-

-just awesome to sit up there and listen to everything...-the eagles, float planes, wood peckers, squirrels.....all the unique songbirds......

-here's a couple funny ones...-I am a messy girl.

-always think before handling molasses...-funny story with it; -a bear had taken off with my molasses when I was off over the ridge scouting a bit for an hour-(didn't think anything would bother the jug, and in only an hour...-WRONG...:mad::nono:boy, I was mad-well, I went searching, and found it- had bite marks in it, but it was mostly all there...

wow, now I know the true meaning of the old phrase-"as slow as molasses"- it took FOREVER for that jug to empty out, back at the bait tree(we don't use barrels...-more on that, later-)

-and, I could hear the bears milling around, pacing through the alder, waiting for me to leave -

-black bear are like big dogs....-if one would come in too close to you, you could kick it, if you had to(and, no, I don't believe in kicking dogs...)

-but....-brown bear....that's a whole other story....I keep the Colt Anaconda on my hip just in case-


...never thought I was that talented...-anyone ever been able to get molasses to pour UP??:)


...Oh....-about the arrow on the ground...-not mine-

-I'll let Jim fill you in on that

Edited by aksheephuntress
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