Dads outta the hospital.


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Dad is leaving the OU Medical Center and heading to Ed Ballard Rehabilitational Center in OKC for a bit. He still hurts, and his mind is about 60%, but the rehab should help him on his recovery. He is wanting to come home and is fighting the rehab idea a bit, but after I got a little stern with him he seemed to accept that he had to do it in order to get home to see his grandson.

Im just thrilled his is outta the hospital!

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It's hard not to want to fight the therapists. About 18 months of it myself I can relate.

They make you do stuff that seems so stupid and pointless. It really isn't all stupid and pointless. But that sure is hard to see when you are the one who is supposed to be doing it.

The brain is like a muscle too, besides physical therapy he needs occupational therapy.

I wish him well.

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