Our most popular dumpster in Seward, Alaska


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i guess that cuts down on the bears. the only thing we have gettin in dumpsters here in missoula is homeless people. there was an article in the missoulian a while back about how to be respectful and only take what you need out of the dumpsters and leave some for the people after you. the homeless population only keeps growing now that the weather is warm. they are everywhere down by the river and at almost every exit and on ramp to the interstate. i feel bad for them but i never give them money because i have had at least 5 of them ask for money to buy a cold beer. not helping their cause any.

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Bury them around them maaater plants. :D

Actually a good suggestion. Shark guts grow huge tomatoes. I used to bury them and dig it up a year later to start the garden. Makes extremely rich black soil. I had to keep the dogs away from it though because they would eat the dirt.

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