Coon Hunting


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Is anybody here addicted to the sound of a pair of walkers treeing deep in the hardwoods, If so what breed do you run?

I'm a walker guy, Love their nose and their tough spirits, can be hard headed at times but what dogs aint..haha Here's some of our walkers we have.

Cold Mountain Gracie




Hardwood Buddy


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  • 3 weeks later...


I coon hunted 37 years before I could no longer

do it anymore ( Amputeed Leg) and SCI spinal cord injury.

I hunted Blue ticks the last 20 of those years but started with

Black and Tans.

My blood was "Smoky River Blue Diamond Jim"

Had a son straight out of him, "Southern Blue Streak"

I miss it something awful couldnt begin to explain it after all those years. When I lost my leg I wasnt doing my dogs right by having to leave them in the pen. A friends Dad just retired and inherited a large track of land in FL and close to Alabama. I called him up and gave him my dogs on one condition, that he'd promiss me he would hunt them like they loved to be hunted, Every day if he could...

Bud, I went 2 years without any hounds and like to went crazy right after my leg got wacked.

So I got back to what got me started in hounds in the first place. Beagle Rabbit Dogs ... When I was a kid (14)

a man had two beagles in his pack of hounds and all he did was deer hunt, these 2 beagles wanted nothing to do with a deer but would run the fur off a rabbit .

He gave me these 2 dogs and I hunted rabbits around where I grew up .

Then in High School a buddy on the football team we played for introduced me to my first coon hunt Thats all he and his Dad did . I was hooked and got a Puppy from Jerry my buddy

a Black and Tan raised him up and trained him with Jerry and his Dads dogs we coon hunted just about every night.

Got a grown female and bred the two both Black and Tans

It grew to me having 6 coon hounds.

Then Jerry and I started trialing our dogs in different countys

and were doing purty good so I thought LOL

But there was one fella who seemed to be doing a little better. He was runnin Blue Ticks...

So I switched gears and got me a couple a Blue ticks.

The rest was History I gave up the black and tans and was

a Blue dog man since, up untill I had to quit it.

I got nothing against Walkers they some good dogs too

But I Loved my big ole Blue Ticks

When I had to give it up, I had 18 head... All Blue Dogs.

Now, I have 12 of some the finest 13" AKC ,ARHA Gun dogs

Id ever want to have. I cant get in any swamps any more

but edges of cut overs and tram roads to edges of briar patches you'll find me shotgun in hand and ready for Mr Rabbit to circle ... Next to Coon huntin

This music is just as addictive too :yes: ...

Id love to go again someday to hear that music of coon hounds stuck on that tree, Yes sir... I miss it...


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I coon hunted 37 years before I could no longer

do it anymore ( Amputeed Leg) and SCI spinal cord injury.

I hunted Blue ticks the last 20 of those years but started with

Black and Tans.

My blood was "Smoky River Blue Diamond Jim"

Had a son straight out of him, "Southern Blue Streak"

I miss it something awful couldnt begin to explain it after all those years. When I lost my leg I wasnt doing my dogs right by having to leave them in the pen. A friends Dad just retired and inherited a large track of land in FL and close to Alabama. I called him up and gave him my dogs on one condition, that he'd promiss me he would hunt them like they loved to be hunted, Every day if he could...

Bud, I went 2 years without any hounds and like to went crazy right after my leg got wacked.

So I got back to what got me started in hounds in the first place. Beagle Rabbit Dogs ... When I was a kid (14)

a man had two beagles in his pack of hounds and all he did was deer hunt, these 2 beagles wanted nothing to do with a deer but would run the fur off a rabbit .

He gave me these 2 dogs and I hunted rabbits around where I grew up .

Then in High School a buddy on the football team we played for introduced me to my first coon hunt Thats all he and his Dad did . I was hooked and got a Puppy from Jerry my buddy

a Black and Tan raised him up and trained him with Jerry and his Dads dogs we coon hunted just about every night.

Got a grown female and bred the two both Black and Tans

It grew to me having 6 coon hounds.

Then Jerry and I started trialing our dogs in different countys

and were doing purty good so I thought LOL

But there was one fella who seemed to be doing a little better. He was runnin Blue Ticks...

So I switched gears and got me a couple a Blue ticks.

The rest was History I gave up the black and tans and was

a Blue dog man since, up untill I had to quit it.

I got nothing against Walkers they some good dogs too

But I Loved my big ole Blue Ticks

When I had to give it up, I had 18 head... All Blue Dogs.

Now, I have 12 of some the finest 13" AKC ,ARHA Gun dogs

Id ever want to have. I cant get in any swamps any more

but edges of cut overs and tram roads to edges of briar patches you'll find me shotgun in hand and ready for Mr Rabbit to circle ... Next to Coon huntin

This music is just as addictive too :yes: ...

Id love to go again someday to hear that music of coon hounds stuck on that tree, Yes sir... I miss it...


Sounds like you are a die hard hound hunter! I'm very sorry you aren't able to coon hunt anymore, I'm sure it was tough after all those years of it.

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