A few wedding pictures


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For those of you that didn't see the threads a couple weeks ago, Justin (total disaster) and I got married on June 13th. I'm just now getting the time to sit down and post these.. we have been on the go since a few days before the wedding and haven't slowed down since. SO MUCH TO DO, STILL!! :yawn: I don't see it getting any better anytime soon either. :hammer1:

Anyway, I won't bore you all with TOO many, or any of the more traditional ones. We had a great time that day, lots of laughs and great memories.










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why do you think that she really married Justin ?

.............. it was so she could move up here to Nova Scotia and live only 15 minutes away from me :rolleyes::1eye::clown::clown::clown:

LOL, you wouldn't do this would you? -> :toot:

You can't be telling ALL of our secrets Lewis. :clown:

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The one of Justin holding his ring out looks like Frodo in Lord of the Rings. Hopefully that ring doesn't make him go completely insane like it does in the movie. Hahaha! Congrats, the pictures are beautiful and it looks like you guys had a great day!

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The one of Justin holding his ring out looks like Frodo in Lord of the Rings. Hopefully that ring doesn't make him go completely insane like it does in the movie. Hahaha! Congrats, the pictures are beautiful and it looks like you guys had a great day!

The Precioussssssssss...........

HaHa, Congrats again you two!

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