Long range practice


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I have been practicing everyday for my trip to Wyoming. Here are some pictures of my 50 and 60 yard shots. I would probably never take a shot at an animal this far but it sure does make those 20,30, and 40 yard shots seem easier when you have been shooting at longer distances.


50 yard group


60 yard group

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were going to have a lot of fun out in Wyoming in sept.:) when i was out there last year, i was amazed at how open the country is. a bowhunter should plan on extending his range out west. shots to 50 yards and further are available, but hopefully the weather will be hot and dry and the antelope will be coming to water. which means shooting from inside a ground blind and hopefully closer shots.:)

i plan on picking up a doublebull blind and a antelope target so i can get used to shooting from a blind. shooting from a sitting or kneeling position is a lot differant than the usual standing position most of us practice from.

cant wait to meet evertone and get the chance to finally get a shot at a speed goat.


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Well, I'm glad we think somewhat alike. I have been shooting off my stool in my double bull blind. Got it set up in the yard.



I used that small buck target because I'm cheap and didn't want to buy an antelope target. It's about the same size as a good antelope buck. I am lookiing forward to meeting everyone too. Should be good time.

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i love shooting out around 60 or 70 yards. the most confidence you could ever have is knowing you can "thwack" game out at 60 or 70 yards and then have whatever it is standing at 20-30 yards. practicing at longer distances helps me have a solid consisent follow through i think. i practice with rage heads and at that distance and i notice them shooting different from field points even. so you'll definitely want to practice with the head you'll use. i think i once had that same target though and it seemed to get chewed up pretty quick with broadheads. even field points would push a hunk of foam off the back. anyway keep practicing you're doing good. remember to try different positions though, because you may not hit out to 60 yards when kneeling or sitting.

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are you shooting field tips at that range, should try your broad heads they might not fly the same at the yardage.

Yes sir ee bob. Make sure you check how your broadheads are shooting at those ranges and closer too. Don't want any bad surprises after all that practice.

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