Broadhead Decisions


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First off, welcome to RT!

I've used Tekans since they first came out and probably shot around 15 deer with them. IMO They shoot almost exactly like my practice tips. Last year they came out with the bigger cutting diameter but I think they sacraficed the sharpness with the new material. Call me lazy if you will but I don't want to spend $35 on three heads that I have to sharpen before I use them. I am going to the Tight point fixed blade this year. They shoot awesome for me.

There's no denying that Rage are the best "bad shot" broadheads on the market. They make a heck of a hole but, they shot a little low for me. I didn't want to have to change my sights between practicing and hunting. If you have the cash try a few different ones, my proshop actually let me shoot a few different ones, maybe yours will too. Good Luck!

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My buddy shot a doe last year with a rage 3-blade, passed through but when he found the arrow and a weak blood trail, none of the blades had opend, Tracked the deer for atleast a mile he said but lost the trail and never found her. Could have just been a simple flaw. I've heard good about the Rage 2-blades though.

I like my fixed blades, no need to worry if they'll open or not, But it's just an opinion.

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I will put the Grim Reapers up against the Rage any day of the week!!!! Myself and our "crew" have many, many dead deer due to the Reapers and the majority fall within site. I even tried the Rage 3 blade and lost a doe to it in 2007 when it did not open up. We found the doe days later. I will not use them again. I won't bash them, just give my opinion based on my experience and the experience of other bowhunters I know.

However, do your research and ask a lot of questions before you decide. You can find tons of first-hand reviews of just about any broadhead. Good Luck

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I've used Rage 2 blades for a couple years now, they are a great head. Only knock I have on 'em is they are one shot and done. Better get some replacement blades ready, not to mention some o-rings.

I'll still have some Rages in my quiver this year, but I will also be carrying some G5 Montec's. :cool:

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My buddy shot a doe last year with a rage 3-blade, passed through but when he found the arrow and a weak blood trail, none of the blades had opend, Tracked the deer for atleast a mile he said but lost the trail and never found her. Could have just been a simple flaw. I've heard good about the Rage 2-blades though.

I like my fixed blades, no need to worry if they'll open or not, But it's just an opinion.

Thats why I don't use the 3s. Too much going on there. I've tested the two blade over and over again. You can open the blades up on a paper towel if you grab your arrow and push through it. The only reason why one won't open is if the O ring was weak or they changed the O ring on it. A blade was damaged or something like that. I've never broken an O ring yet. Don't know how, but I haven't.

Edited by Tom2008
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Are the Rage 2 blade reusable at all. Any problem with them breaking? Randy said they shot a little low for him. Anybody elso had any accuracy problems with them. Thanks

Accuracy is not a problem at all. If it is it could be possible tuning problems with the bow.

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Are the Rage 2 blade reusable at all. Any problem with them breaking? Randy said they shot a little low for him. Anybody elso had any accuracy problems with them. Thanks

I shot 2 deer with the Rage 2's. I'm not a big fan of re-using broadheads no matter what, but neither of the broadheads had any damage to them. They functioned the same and the blades were still razor sharp.

I shot a buck with the Rage 3 last year and never recovered it. It sure looked like a kill shot, and I'm sure it would've been with a fixed blade or possibly even with the Rage 2. The shot was a few inches forward and got the shoulder, but since then I won't touch the Rage 3's.

As far as accuracy, a practice head comes in the package so you don't have to waste a $15 broadhead on foam. That practice head shoots almost identical as field points for me.

Edited by backwoods07
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Buy the 2 blade Rage's and don't look back!

Got a buck on the wall and several does with the 2 blades. 1 doe was a HARD quartering away shot...blades did what they were supposed to. Never had any issues with blood trails or failures of the blades not opening (can't really see how they won't open).

No broadhead will make up for poor shot placement...bigger cutting dia. just allows a little more room for error. Anyone that says they don't miss hasn't shot enough deer.

Best heads on the market won't help if shot in the shoulder or guts. You shoot ANY broadhead through the chest will die. Heck, shoot a field tip through both'll recover that deer. Don't let "lost" deer due to broadhead stories fool you!

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