Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

Guest RJK

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I was watching RealTree Outdoors television show on The Outdoor Channel and they showed Stan Potts' hunt where he kill that giant nontypical 220. Stan tried to stop the buck perfect broadside, but when Stan grunted the deer took two more steps and was directly facing Stan. I'm guessing the deer was 18-26 yards in front of the stand. Stan put the arrow in the middle of the neck right below the patch of white fur. They didn't say how far the deer went before it died, or how good the blood trail was but they did find the deer. Would any of you take that kind of shot on a deer like that? Honestly I don't know what I would do in that situation. Obviously it's a fatal shot but what's the success rate of a shot like that.

By the way they did not show the shot on camera, when Stan held the buck's head up to show off the rack you could see the entry wound.

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

I don't know what I would have done in that situation. That hunt is on H.S. Primetime video and I was suprised that there were 2-3 hunts where that same shot was taken (Stan's 220, Eddie Salter and i think there is one more but not sure).

My hunting partner had an opportunity to take that shot this year on a 10 point typical that would probably score in the 180's. She passed on the shot for a couple reasons, one is I have explained to her why it's not a good percentage shot IMO and the other was she was shaking so bad she didn't think there was any way to draw her bow back grin.gif

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

As long as I know my broadhead will reach the vitals and make the quick kill, sure I will take a frontal shot. I know what my equipment and skill levels are. As long as it goes through the vitals it is as deadly as a perfect broadside shot.

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

my buddy killed a doe with a shot like that this year. I was kind of skeptical, but the thing left a decent blood trail since it ran into thick brush and had stuff rubbing against the entry wound. The arrow was in the chest cavity, did not ruin any mean, and did not hit the bladder. I couldn't believe it. The doe only went like 60 yards.

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

Awesome hunt footage.. I thought poor Stan was going to have a heart attack!!

I think it is easy to say I wouldn't take that shot until that buck stands 18 yards from me and offers me that shot.. I would have a HARD time passing that up..

I couldn't believe the lack of penetration he got on that shot. It looked like he was shooting Spitfires, and when the buck ran away it didn;t look like he got more then about 10 inches..

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Guest finnlander

Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

I wish I would have taken that shot. Opening day I had a bruiser facing me straight on. He was only at approx 12 yards too. Nope I didn't shoot and Yup, he is now hanging on my neighbor's wall. tongue.gif Dang it. Actually I probably would pass again. You never know until the shot presents itself.

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck


I thought poor Stan was going to have a heart attack!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Stan acts like he's going to have a heart attack regardless of the size of buck he shoots. I've not seen him shoot a doe on video, but my guess is he would still go through the same act that he does with all his deer.

Stan is a great hunter with an amazing number of great animals on his wall. I just get tired of his after shot reactions, they are all over the top. One of the reasons, I can't stand to watch North American Whitetail.

It was an amazing deer though. I doubt I'd taken the shot, but that is only because I would have doubted on my ability to take out enough vitals for a quick kill. Stan knows what he's doing though. He's a heck of a hunter.

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

I did once. 10yrds, looking straight up at me and I put the arrow right in the same spot. The deer ran 50 yards and piled up twice on the way there, Broke my arrow in 3 places.

I'm not saying I would take that shot whenever it presented itself, but at the time, I knew it was a good one.

The deer was standing in a perfect spot, body angle perfect, I was very comfortable with my own positioning and my ability, my bow was tuned in good, I felt very confident, and the rest is history.

Would I recommend this shot to everyone...No

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Guest jereseyhunter101

Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

That deer that stan potts shot poored blood out like a pig, in my video they show the blood trail. When you hit a deer like that in the neck it will usually go 100-200yards before dieing but you will have an excellent blood trail. And yes i would take that shot and i have taken it only once but i killed a decent 8 point with it that went 120yards . Of course i would rather shot one right behind the shoulder then there.

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

"Obviously it's a fatal shot but what's the success rate of a shot like that."

I'm not a technician on animal mortality. Geussing I would figure that the exact ratio of effectiveness would decrease as the distance increases.

I can show you the effect of that shot at 5 yards....


And at 35 yards.....


.......and my point here is that niether of them were an awesome buck of huge proportions.....honestly....your asking an un-answerable question. Nobody knows how they will react when that monster buck of a lifetime steps out in front of them...if they tell you other wise they are full of it.

***Please notice that the deer were posed in an appropriate manner***

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Guest KSNimrod

Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

If my memory serves me, that's the same kind of shot that Mike Beatty made on his big Ohio deer. I can't say I wouldn't do the same. I've passed that shot before, but the day may come where I take it. It's not the traditional double lunger, but it seems pretty effective.

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

Is it a good shot to take, it all depends. Personally I could have taken it last year, but I opted not to, but I have been kicking myself in the arse for not doing it since my set up produces 70 lb. of kinetic energy. I got to thinking though. If an animal is quartering away from you and you take the shot, the arrow goes in behind the last rib or so and out usually near the base of the neck or right in fron of the shoulder. Now, turn that deer so it is facing quartering towards you, and you can in fact basically reverse the shot IMO.

Another thing to consider is that the shot "laws" were put in to effect years ago. Equipment, kinetic energy and penetration abilities have changed so much since then that once thought impossible shots are now very possible. Granted I am only 24, but did anyone who archery hunted in the 80's ever think they'd see the day you could make an 80 yard shot on a mule deer with a bow?

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Re: Stan Potts giant 220 Nontypical video buck

I never got too see that hunt, but will look for it.

I watched Bad the the bone Bucks 3 on video and Michael Waddell made a shot that I thought was unbelieve. The buck was almost straight up and down facing him, but he was slightly turned and he put it right thru the leg, and I believe it existed out thru the lungs. The buck went probably 10 to 15 yards away and fell over.

I doubt I'd take the shot, knowing myself I'd miss or do injury to the deer. I rather have him quartering away or perfectly broadside.

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