Bass Pro credit card on the way.


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They finally accepted me. I hate credit cards, but will help build my credit. Plan to pay it off at the end of the month, every month. I know they can get you in trouble, but I am very careful with stuff like that, but it sure will be nice to save up those Outdoor Rewards points. (main reason for getting the card grin.gif) Thinking about paying my rent with it every month and just paying the bill off as soon as I get those points up quick!!! laugh.gif

Any of ya'll use the Bass Pro credit card?

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Re: Bass Pro credit card on the way.

I have a Bass Pro card. Be careful about saving the Reward Points for too long, they will expire after a certain amount of time.

I used to pay mine off every month but I had some expenses I didn't expect and now it's up to $3200. Now I'm trying to pay it off by the end of the year. frown.gif

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Re: Bass Pro credit card on the way.

Nope, credit card free here. My wife has a sickness with them. We've had at least 3 go-rounds with building up debt and then paying them off, it's a vicious cycle. The last time she went behind my back and it really affected me. I literally didn't even acknowledge her for 3 or 4 days it hurt me so bad. She cancelled the cards and we haven't had one since.

Be very careful with them--it's not free money.

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