Crossbow Recommendations???

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I used to shoot a Barnett bc it was small enough for me to get into tight places with. I now shoot a Horton Yukon SL and it cost be around 200 bucks and I like to shoot no more than 30 yards but the accuaracy on that bow is ridiculous. I have taken deer, a phesant, and a coon with it and I have never had to put a scope on it either. It's not really heavy either and bulky like some of the other more expensive bows on the market.

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From the 3 you listed above, I'd lean more towards the Ten Point ( because of the accudraw being more convenient than what the Excaliber has to offer). My father-in-law has a Ten Point and it's a great top quality crossbow, that hasn't showed any problems as of yet.

If the Ten Point wasn't available I'd definitely go with the Excaliber as a second choice. Of coarse this is JMO ... :beer:

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First one I have owned but the barnett predator was by far the quietest of all I shot. It is very accurate and I liked the safety more than any of the others. The barmett safety is at the rear of the action and is large and dead silent when you move it. In close situations I hate hearing any click noise like many of the others did.

The barnetts limbs are rubber coated to help hold down the noise as well. The 10 points I shot had a loud metallic snap sound when the pressure was released at the shot, way too noisy for me.

I shot 5 deer last year with the barnett and watched all fall over but one shooting the 2 blade rage with it.

Hope this helps.


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I was in Cabelas, Hamburg PA today. In the Bargain Barn section they had over one dozen Horton Crossbows marked Factory Repaired. They only knocked $60 off sticker price but seeing so many of the same CB in a pile like that made me wary.

I held off buying any CB but my eyes are on the Ten Point HLX ACUdraw package $770. Not crazy about the sight on it but it will have to do if I buy it. They the case, target block, extra bolts and broadheads and it gets north of $1,000:jaw:

Edited by Flintlock1776
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excalibur hands down, I use to shoot horton for years and then i switched to excalibur and i will never use anything but now. They are extreamly reliable and i dont care what anybudy says the excalibur is the most accurate crossbow out there.

Only bad thing is you gotta remove your arrow every time because if you dont your gonna smash it with the next one :D

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