arrows as well..


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dont mean to post a million questions at one time or nothing (posted the crimson talon xt question wallago) but was wondering what arrow everybody shoots.. I have shot GoldTip XT Hunters since I started messing with archery and still stand by them today.. My local pro shop carries them for 89dollars a dozen so they are not quite as hard on the ol wallet as some of the others neither.. J/W..

Also wanted to add a question to this post as well.. Was gunna try blazer vanes with the last bunch I bought but he didnt have any ready so I ended up getting duravanes again.. What are the pros and cons to blazers over duravanes if there are any?

Edited by nastynissan4487
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I shoot Carbon Express Maximas. Super tough arrows, not bad priced either. I shoot blazers and really like them. I'm not sure if theres much difference between blazers and duravanes, except maybe for your own personal preference. They say blazers help give you better broadhead flight, but I can't say they are any better than duravanes. I couldn't tell the difference on mine.

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