Bowhunter's Pick a spot 14 with scenarios


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You're hunting in Kansas on private property on a 6 day bowhunt. (BTW, this is a pic a Kansas buck I got last year). The owner's management rule on legal bucks is you're only allowed to shoot bucks that are 4.5 years old or older. If you shoot a younger buck you will never get to go back there again. The verbal abuse you'll get won't be pretty either if you shoot a younger buck.

It's the 5th morning of your 6 day hunt. Bucks have been on the prowl but the weather has been a little on the warm side for rutting bucks. Although rain is in the forecast for later this afternoon and this evening with a front moving through the weather should be perfect for the last day of your hunt. You've seen 3 bucks that were legal for sure so far. They were, a 135 class 4.5 year old 8 point, a 145 class 4.5 year old 9 point, and a 160 class 5.5 year old 10 point so you know there's some big ones out there. No shot opportunities were offerend on them yet. The biggest buck was seen off another stand that will be good for the wind conditions tomorrow and you haven't been able to hunt that stand with the wind being wrong for 3 days now. This 130 class 8 point steps out and has slowly walked to within 25 yards of your stand. You've had the opportunity to watch him approach for about a minute now to size him up. It's your call now to shoot him or not. Is he a legal buck on this property? Are you going to shoot him? If you shoot him, pick the spot.


BTW...I face these kind of decisions every time on the places I hunt in Iowa and Kansas.

Edited by Rhino
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From that pic that deer looks to me like a 3.5 year old Alan. Considering it is in Kansas I say that deer probably falls short of meeting the 4.5 year old age requirement, taper upward at the gut tells me he is not quite 4.5 yet.

If he were a shooter though, I would be aiming at red 2 from the bottom after a good grunt to get him stopped.

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Based on how you know what happens if you shoot a younger buck, and you say you got this one, Im guessing he was only 3.5y/o:D:D

Since I would have to play by the landowners rules, I think I would pass because he dont look over 3.5y/o to me.

Playing by MY rules....2nd red from bottom and let'r rip!!!

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Very nice 8, but I'm going to hold out hope for the last day. Skipper here.

Ditto. But you knew that, right Alan? :D

Yep...X2 for both of ya. :D I've got another one for both of you next time and I won't even pick on either one of you with the scenario.

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Playing by the landowners rules Im going to have to pass on this deer unfortunatley. The buck is a definite trophy in my book but I wouldnt want to take a chance and loose my hunting priveleges by no means so I guess Im gunna have to pass this deer up..:bummed:

PS:by the way Im definitley not the best at field judging deer and my uncertainty would be the reason for letting this deer walk..

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William and I think alike on both the reasons why we thought he was a 3.5 year old buck and the shot selection if he had been old and big enough. The shape of the head and neck also made me think he was a 3.5 year old buck. For all those that think he's 3.5 for a Kansas buck my hats off to you. Right or wrong for what it's worth, we agreed.

I actually passed this buck up in Kansas at 28 yards last year from the same spot where I killed the B&C buck back in 2004. It's easier passing these up when you know there's bigger ones out there somewhere.

I'll be there with bow in hand again and camera ready for the skippers come November.;):D

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