Bowhunter's Pick a spot 16 with scenarios


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You're hunting with your bad luck buddy. :D You're trying to get a nice buck kill on camera taking turns hunting. It was your buddy's turn to hunt and you were behind the camera. You took you bow anyway just in case the opportunty was offered to get a double kill on camera from the same set of stands.

With light to film the hunt gone your bad luck buddy lowered his bow to the ground. It's the last couple of minutes of legal shooting hours. You just finished quietly putting the camera away when this buck with split G2's on both sides walks in at 15 yards and stops to smell a lick branch. Your bow is still hanging on your bow holder and your buddy is in a state of total confusion wondering if he should try to raise his bow now or not. In your mind he's lost it! What do you do? Do you take the shot even though it was his hunt to start with? Where would you smoke him if you shot? What are you going to say to your buddy if you smoke this one? :D


BTW...hutchies this was a GREAT idea you came up with! ;)

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If your bad luck buddy lowered his bow to the ground you must be in a tree Luke. :D

:oops: my bad Al, sorry I missed that line .. :no:

Well, since my nitt witt buddy went and lowered his bow to the ground, this shot is all mine .. :D

This shot seems to be quartering away so I'm going with the 2nd. green dot down ..

As to what I tell my buddy ,, I'll see you same time tomarrow, and this time stay put until it's time to leave .. :D

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Let fly a Beman ICS Bow Hunter 400 from my Mission Journey tipped with a Rage 2 blade broadhead and watch my Easton Tracer vanish through Yellow 2 and take out the lungs. :cool: Dead deer in less than 100 yards I guarantee you and I'll let my buddy drag him out; after all, it was supposed to be his deer. ;):D

Dakota :)

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Buddies come and go, but deer like that last a lifetime. :clown:

Seriously, no way am I not taking that shot, highest red dot considering the point of view is diff than the shooting angle.

btw.... You sure we aint spotlighting Al? Sure looks dark there! Not that I'd know what a deer would look like with a light shining on it. :rolleyes:

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Chris has shot my bow before, so I hand my bow to him and hit record on the camera. After he arrows the big brute, he falls in love with my Hoyt Alphamax 32 and gets one for himself. Hoyt gets wind of all the giant bucks falling to his arrows, sponsors him and gives him his own hunting show on OLN. I become his full time camera man, only able to hunt on my own during management hunts with the outfitters that beg him to hunt their properties, you know, big does and mature 8 pointers only. Eventually, he and Waddell team up, create a new show called "Hoyt's Huntin' with Polish Rednecks" and hot, blonde 20-somethings scream, squeal and faint at the sight of him.......

You're welcome buddy! :cool:

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Eventually, he and Waddell team up, create a new show called "Hoyt's Huntin' with Polish Rednecks" and hot, blonde 20-somethings scream, squeal and faint at the sight of him.......

You're welcome buddy! :cool:

Give the guy a 6 of Killians, some burgers and dogs and wife's famous cookies and he's putty in your hands.

Polish Redneck--that's funny right there.


BTW--Red #2, and yes, Tom would understand, as I would if he shot that deer out from under me.

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There is no I in Team................but me is in there:D. The odds of getting 2 on film is slim anyway. There are only 5 min. left and it is your turn tomorrow so your buddy should be a team player and let you shoot that deer. It may be 3 or more years till you guys get another tag. Shoot him 2nd red from the tree and your bad luck buddy extends his bad luck till tomorrow:poke:

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btw.... You sure we aint spotlighting Al? Sure looks dark there! Not that I'd know what a deer would look like with a light shining on it. :rolleyes:

Cropped from a Kansas TC pic John. ;)

Chris has shot my bow before, so I hand my bow to him and hit record on the camera. After he arrows the big brute, he falls in love with my Hoyt Alphamax 32 and gets one for himself. Hoyt gets wind of all the giant bucks falling to his arrows, sponsors him and gives him his own hunting show on OLN. I become his full time camera man, only able to hunt on my own during management hunts with the outfitters that beg him to hunt their properties, you know, big does and mature 8 pointers only. Eventually, he and Waddell team up, create a new show called "Hoyt's Huntin' with Polish Rednecks" and hot, blonde 20-somethings scream, squeal and faint at the sight of him.......

You're welcome buddy! :cool:

Give a man a few Killians and he becomes a fortune teller eh Chris?

Edited by Rhino
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BTW...I smacked the buck at yellow 3 from the bottom while my buddy still had this :confused: look on his face. When he looks up at me I want to make sure I give him a BIG :D followed by a :flex:then a short pause before telling him tomorrow's another day. That is if he doesn't take the short pause opportuity to express his true feelings before I can mention my thoughts about tomorrow. :D

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3rd green dot from the bottom,, if you miss 2 inches to your left your going to drill him and if you miss 2 inches to your right you'll hit the liver and he'll go a hundred and fifty yards and fall over,,and yes i would shoot b/c theres noway your buddy will be able to pull up his bow and shoot without spooking the buck

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