Hornady Interbond for Whitetails?

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I have taken 5 Whitetails and one bear and they have all been bang flop with 154 Interbonds and a 7mm Ultra Mag. Bear was av biggie that made B&C. Field dressed 337 lbs. I never had a pass thru. Have all bullets here someplace

You've never had a pss through? Are you talking about an interbond or an interlock? Just doesn't seem possible on deer with that bullet and a 7mm UM.

Just wondering if anyone out there uses Hornady Interbonds for whitetails. How well have they performed?

Yes, they were accurate and did what a bonded bullet should do. They held together well and penetrated well. I did switch to swift because they were even more accurate but it's virtually the same bullet.

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You've never had a pss through? Are you talking about an interbond or an interlock? Just doesn't seem possible on deer with that bullet and a 7mm UM.

hmmm. I think that is what I said and we are talking about Interbonds. Whether if it does not seem possible to you is irrelevent. Just telling the way it happened. I credit the bang flops to them not passing through

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Geez just asking. Sorry if I offended you. Holy coy. I guess I'll put you on the "don't ask this guy a question or he'll come unhinged" list. Gimme a break.

When I typed that I figured they must have been really long shots or frontals or something, then you reply that way? Thanks

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I have used 150 grain Hornady Interbonds in both of my 30-06's for years. I have shot deer from 75 yards out to 270 yards and have had great results. Performance was awesome. I wish that I could have recovered one, but I got complete pass through's on all of the deer. The one shot at 270 yards was quartering to me, the bullet entered at the base of the neck and blew out the offside shoulder. When I feild dressed him, his lungs looked like jello. Another shot at 160 yards dropped so fast, that I wondered whether or not If I had hit him. These were both nice 8-Pointers. My Winchester Model 70 Blackshadow, purchased on clearance at Walmart for $283.00, will shoot these bullets into .5 inch groups at 100 yards if I do my part. I bought two boxes of 154 grain Interbonds for my 7mm Remington Mag. to hunt with this season. I already know I will be well pleased with their performance. So I highly recommend these bullets for anyone.

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Actually, for whitetails, it's all about what your gun will shoot accurately.

Whitetails die pretty easy. Whether your shooting a cheap cup & core bullet or some variation of a controlled expansion or monometal..............put the bullet through the ribs and the deer will die.

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Actually, for whitetails, it's all about what your gun will shoot accurately.

Whitetails die pretty easy. Whether your shooting a cheap cup & core bullet or some variation of a controlled expansion or monometal..............put the bullet through the ribs and the deer will die.

No kidding. I carry my 7 mag most of the time loaded with ballistic silvertips. Talk about blowing some big freakin' holes! Of course, when I pull down on that buck, he's going to be big enough that I'm not worrying about meat damage. I just want him on the ground in a hurry!!! Now when I decide to go shoot a couple of does for the freezer, I'll usually switch to something lighter like my 243 or 220 Swift. I've had a couple of deer where I didn't get a passthrough with ballistic tips, but most leave a 3 - 5 inch exit hole. Those that didn't go through made the deer's insides look like he'd swallowed a small bomb.
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I had an SST (similar to the B-Tip) hit bone once and it was a horrible mess. It ruined the whole quarter and the animal suffered till I could finish it.

Want to ask about the swift on deer. Are you center punching them or going for neckshots. They are illegal for big game up here but I've often wondered how they'd perform on deer. What bullets do you use. Weight and type.

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In my Swift I'm shooting a handloaded 70 gr Speer SP at about 3200 fps. Works really well on whitetails up to about 200 lbs and out to about 200 yards. I wouldn't suggest it on anything larger or on longer shots. Just not enough energy. I'd like to go up to a heavier bullet, but the rifling in the barrel won't stabilize the longer bullet. When I run out of the Speers, I may try a Barnes-X or some other type of all copper bullet. I really wish someone would make a factory load in 220 Swift suitable for deer or antelope sized animals, but all I've seen are varmint or target type loads.

Oops, forgot to answer the other part of your question - Depending on how close they are, I'll either do a heart shot, or a between the eyes if it's extremely close (like 50 yards) and I have a solid rest. I know a lot of people have an issue with that shot, but both I and the rifle are quite capable of pulling it off. So far, after a guesstimated 25 attempts, I'm 100% on head shots. But DO NOT try this if you're the least bit shaky, or if you're not absolutely certain of where your gun is shooting at that range. Oh, and I'm also 100% on heart shots with the Swift. In fact, the only deer I've hit and not recovered during the past 20 or so years was shot with a 30-06. I still don't know what went wrong on that one?

Edited by Texan_Til_I_Die
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In Manitoba last year I shot a 140gr BTSP in my .270. This is an interlock bullet, very accurate. The buck didn't even twitch, shot at 130 yards quartering to me.

When I was dropping the deer off at the butcher I found the bullet lodged in the hide behind the opposite shoulder..

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I can't see that bullet not blowing through a deer, shot over 50 with me 7mm Rem, and every one of them punched through both front shoulders, bang flops. Knock on wood never lost a deer with one. Ruins a little meat but not much and there is no tracking. Ranges from 10 to 400 yards. All different deer sizes

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I've shot deer (both large mulies and whitetails) with Ballistic silver tips, Nosler Accubonds, Hordandy Interbonds, Swift Siccorro, and Nosler Ballistic Tips. Nosler Accubonds and Hordandy Interbonds seem to group the best, (under 1" in my custom Kreiger 300 win mag and 30-06 Ackley IMP) although my 308 savage super stryker likes the Ballistic Tip Bullets and my Browning Carbine in 300 WSM likes the Swift bullets! I have only had to trail one Mulie in the last 5 years......yep...shooter error. But, we did find him. I really can't say one kills more that the next. But, move up to bigger game and I move up to Swift A-Frame and Nosler Partition. I won't hunt elk with the deer bullets. My 338-378 launches a 250 gr partition at 3020 FPS using H1000 powder. That's over 5000 foot pounds of energy coming out of the muzzle. I don't think the bullets will hold together at less than 100 yards bonded or not. This based on theory of course......sounds like an experiment in the works.:hammer1:

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My 338-378 launches a 250 gr partition at 3020 FPS using H1000 powder. That's over 5000 foot pounds of energy coming out of the muzzle. I don't think the bullets will hold together at less than 100 yards bonded or not. This based on theory of course......sounds like an experiment in the works.:hammer1:

It'll hold together.

I shoot 250 gr. Sierra Game Kings out of my .375 Weatherby. In a limited number of tests on live game (1 animal) they held together quite well. The Partition is more sturdily constructed than the SGK. It oughta do O.K.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Nobody that I know of has been able to get an interbond to do less than 1.5moa.

The interlock and the ssts are a different story... Almost EVERY rifle I have fired these days shoots either one of these at or a breath under an moa.

My father has had extremely good luck in 7mm class with ANY Sierra projectile.... myself- with 7mm It's been Nosler. Bar none.

As far as impacts on bone- Nosler has the softest lead.

Ive used SSTs/Interlocks on critters and punched clean thru the front shoulders with no ill-effects....

Edited by jokostel
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