Gun of Choice

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My dad has one of those credit cards from Cabela's that give you free money with evey purchase that you make with the card, 1% I think. Anyway he has saved up over 200 on the card and was wanting to buy an new rifle to hunt coyotes. We are just getting into coyote hunting so we don't know much on the type and brand of rifle that would work best. He thought that he would buy maybe a .223 or a .22-250. I however thought that a .17 HMR would be better because of the cheaper rounds. As for scope I don't know what to buy without selling the farm:eek: Any good set ups or advice would be appreciated.


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Use our cabelas card for pretty well everything earning points in the process, purchases at cabelas with the signature series card gets you 5 percent in points. Just always make sure not to charge more than we can pay back each month.

My varmint rifle is a .223. Rock river varmint model.


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I love the look of the new Remington 700 Varmint SF! The 700 is one of the best rifles ever made if you ask me! As for caliber, do you reload? I personally love my .220 Swift, but ammo is hard to come by and the cheapest stuff around here I can find is $45/box. I reload though so that's not a problem. If you don't I'd opt for the .22-250, wide range of ammo available and the ballistics are excellent. Dad has one in an older Remington 700 BDL with the varmint barrel and it is a tack driver. It's killed lots of groundhogs over the years!

Here's that new SF I like. :cool:

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I wouldnt go with the .17 HMR if you want the option of shooting a coyote out past 150 yards or so. That little bullet will be affected by the wind alot more, and doesnt have much punch out at longer ranges. The .223 and .22-250 are better choices. The .223 ammo is not that expensive either. If your not worried about tearing up the hides you could get a bigger gun like a .270 and you could use it for deer hunting as well. but with your options given I would buy the .223

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have you looked into a 243 it's a nice middle of the road gun? as far as the .17 it will work i have shot plenty with mine the question is if you want to recover them or not if so you need to shoot them in the head however i was just trying to get rid of them so i would just shoot them in the body but with no blood trail and no knockdown power they were tough to recover but we would see them here and there through out the woods it is plenty powerfull enough to kill them just not recover them

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  • 3 weeks later...

I personally am quite fond of the .223 Remington Cartridge for Coyotes. I have used T/C Super 14 Contender Handguns, Ruger KM77's, and a couple different AR-15's to take Coyotes with all chambered in .223.

The longest shot I have made was using 50gr. Nosler Ballistic Tips out of a Ruger KM77 .223. It was pushing 400 yards and one shot was all that was needed.

While I have never shot a Coyote with a .17 HMR, I have shot enough Coyotes with various centerfire cartridges to know that pound for pound Coyotes can be tough to put down if you don't put the bullet in the right place. I once shot a Coyote at about 150 yards using a Savage Striker Handgun in .243. I was using a 58gr. Hornady V Max Bullet loaded to about 3000 FPS in that Handgun. I hit a coyote a bit far back. At the shot the Coyote hit the ground, but before I could reload the Coyotes tail stood straight up and he was up and running. I did finally get a finishing shot in that Coyote when it stopped for a last look see at close to 300 yards.

As per the rifle itself, that is even a more personal choice than the cartridge. I personally think my Bushmaster 16" M4 Optics Ready Carbine is about the perfect Coyote Rifle, but then AR's can be a bit expensive these days. I have also killed a few Coyotes with a .223 Stevens Model 200 Bolt Action (which is nothing more than a Savage with the old style trigger system) with excellent results. The Stevens Model 200's can be had for around $300.00, and are a good rifle / buy for the $$$.


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  SDHandgunner said:
As per the rifle itself, that is even a more personal choice than the cartridge. I personally think my Bushmaster 16" M4 Optics Ready Carbine is about the perfect Coyote Rifle, but then AR's can be a bit expensive these days. I have also killed a few Coyotes with a .223 Stevens Model 200 Bolt Action (which is nothing more than a Savage with the old style trigger system) with excellent results. The Stevens Model 200's can be had for around $300.00, and are a good rifle / buy for the $$$.


That's the exact rifle I have in .223, and I like it. It is a tack driver, that's for sure

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  redkneck said:
So what model did you get?

Went to the store and he didn't see any that he wanted that were not marked up really high. I talked to a friend and he said that he could get us a gun for manurfacturing price. Dad still hasn't decided on what model he wants yet. He decided to push it off a little bit longer cause we are redoing part of our house and funds are stretching

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I have a Remington Model 7 Predator model in .223. It is completely camoflaged so you don't have to worry about the dogs seeing the barrel wave. It is light enough that you can walk all day and it won't feel like your carrying a block of cement. Finally the cartrige is powerfull enough you can shoot out to at least 300 yards.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  coles said:
i have a colt ar-15, remington 700 in 22-250, and a remington SPS varmint in .204. i love my 204. absolutely destroys gophers. accurate as can be too. my first 5 shots ever out of it could be covered by a dime. that was with hornady 40gr vmax's.

How do you like the SPSV? I plan on getting one in .204 this Saturday.

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