Big 11 Pointer (Pics)

Ethan Givan

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in agreement

I'm in agreement with most of the replies that have been posted here.

1.) Scores are for ballgames-put him on the ground.

*Dang right, he's a shooter now, especailly if you don't have anything like that on the wall at home and most folks don't. I do, but I would definitely not let that deer walk. There are plenty others that need growing.

2.) He's 140, at least.

*That's accurate. This deer is over 18" wide and 10 points. It's hard to judge mass when their in velvet, but you can dang sure count points and judge inches. This is only July and this deer IS going to be a booner by deer season. I'm guessing he'll be well into the 150's to mid-160's.

3.) He's gonna get bigger.

*You'd better believe it. He ain't done yet.

4.) Time of day.

*This is kind of funny in that he's there well before legal shooting light. That will change in September when thier travel and eating habits change. When bucks go it alone, they tend to avoid other bucks-even if they are the dominant buck in the are. They just can't stand the presence of other bucks. If he keeps running into them , at say 3:30am at that camera sight, he may start coming in at 5:00, or some other time. I've had bucks on the camera at 1:00am in August and caught them at 1:00pm in Septemeber. Also, when the rut comes in in your area, and if he's still around, ALL BETS ARE OFF! Stay in your stand all day for this big boy. You can believe if you see any smaller bucks chasing does around your spot, he's going to be in on it. Pack your lunch and stay put! Also, an empty Mountain Dew bottle converted to a porta-poty could be your best friend.

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He looks younger to me, but it could just be because I don't look at too many summer deer photos? I'd say 3.5 years old and he'll go 160 inches gross.

Did you all know the Milo Hanson buck (over 213 inches net score) was estimated to be only 3.5-4.5 years old.

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