Sold house, now moving, selling "stuff"

Norm Sauceman

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I have a bunch of "Stuff" on auction at EBay. Search under my username nsauceman. There are a few things some of you archers or taxidermy folks may like.. There is also the "AUTHENTIC" back brace Old Normster wore for 3 months..LOL

Help a brother out here folks... We have had to sell our house because of this accident...might as well make it work our while... I will be adding things as I crawl through my junk... grin.gif

Helping a Brother out...hhe

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Re: Sold house, now moving, selling \"stuff\"


hey norm---did you shoot that deer?

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Yes I did.. I am guessing it was about 15 or 16 years ago.. a loooooooong time ago.... (talkin' like an old man in a movie)... ehhhhhhhhhh I can remember when those deer were as fer as the eye could see.... ehhhhhhhhhhhh.. grin.gif

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Re: Sold house, now moving, selling \"stuff\"

Man, I really appreciate it but that poor deer stayed in my little workshop room for so long. I just don't have room to store it. I wish I did but I am OK with selling this guy... I have a whole lot more that gave me so much more memories. This was actually my very first muzzleloader kill.. Like I said though. Thank you very much for the offer, but I need to let "little man" go..(that was what I called him...LOL)

I figure someone would want him somewhere in this world.. If I do not sell him on EBAY, I will try at our yard sale.

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Re: Sold house, now moving, selling \"stuff\"


Ok. I will throw in $45.00. Ship it to me, and when you have room, I will send it back to you. wink.gif Not trying to be pushy, but my mounts would be the last things to go.

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Thanks, but Little man has just got to go.

We are not scraping yet, we still owe the 6K and frankly don;t know how we are going to do it even...But that is the least of my worries..I think a judge would throw it out if it went to court..LOL

We saw a future issue with everything. Surgery, workers comp, IRS, Lost job...and we were able to get out...

We feel God is in the drivers seat of this... when we decided we had better do something, we had 2 real estate folks come by wanting to list it..we said we had NO equity in the house so we could not afford to eat a loss... So, Sandy, my wife, printed up fliers, with an asking price and a couple of pictures and we borrowed a real estate sign that help fliers and we staked it in our front yard...

One of our neighbors mothers called, said, Norm, are you all selling your house..dud..ya...LOL

She said well, I know someone who has loved that house since you built it..and they want it!! Well, long story short,,they were the first people to look at it when we put it up for sale and they were the ones that bought, we are working on his graces to find us that rent house...ROFL!!!

Thanks folks, I really mena it..but the Little Man has got to have a new home.. I fugure it will find a good home somewhere...Thanks

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Re: Sold house, now moving, selling \"stuff\"




hey norm---did you shoot that deer?

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Yes I did.. I am guessing it was about 15 or 16 years ago.. a loooooooong time ago.... (talkin' like an old man in a movie)... ehhhhhhhhhh I can remember when those deer were as fer as the eye could see.... ehhhhhhhhhhhh.. grin.gif

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I thought the same thing when i saw that last night. That is your deer, you may be haveing hard times but no way am i allowing you to sell that. Let us know the highest bid and i guarantee we will more than match it! Come on guys i am sure we can get him a couple hundered to keep that!

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count me in, there is NO WAY I could EVER give up a deer that I have shot. I'm sure we as a whole can do something!

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Re: Sold house, now moving, selling \"stuff\"

You know guys, all of the crap, most of it good natured, that has been going on here lately, and then you read this post. People wonder why this is the greatest site on the web. It is not about only hunters but people and individuals. Everyone on here is always helping others.

Norm, I am with the others, I will do the same, what ever it takes. Do not argue with me, I have lots of Realtree friends. Ha Ha. Let one of us buy the mount from you and then return it when you get the room. Thats it...done deal.

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Re: Sold house, now moving, selling \"stuff\"

Come on Normy... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif....Let one of us house this GREAT Trophy of yours until you get the extra space to put it back right where it belongs ON ONE OF YOUR WALLS WHERE IT BELONGS......puuurrrtty PLEASE..... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif..Whats the Tally at now guys ???This is great stuff all I would do is blow the green stuff on something useless anyhow...

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Re: Sold house, now moving, selling \"stuff\" guys bid on the deer and whatever it brings I will consider it a loan until I get back up and going..Please?

Bulldawg.. I will inspect the pot later on and get back with you.. I do not, for the life of me, know what it is.. The black you see on the bottom is marks-a-lot. The inside is dirty and can be washed.. I don;'t think it has a single mark on it as in chips, but I will look closely for you and let you know.

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