Sold house, now moving, selling "stuff"

Norm Sauceman

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Re: Saving \"Little Guy\"

On the Bear bow, the pictures are a bit hard to see. What is the draw length, and poundages; is it as single cam...or speed wheels. And lastly, does it say what the let-of is? Thanks Norm.

Also, if you come across any old toy auto's, or knives in decent shape that you will be selling...let me know what you have.

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Re: Saving \"Little Guy\"


I don't know how to bid on ebay either, but if you guys want on will go three ways with you on it if GW is going to "house" it for a little while.

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I'm willing to go in on the MOUNT with anyone that wants to do it this way.....and I have no objections as to who houses the MOUNT, as long as Norm recieves the funds that he greatly if someone wants to set something up just let me in on it... smile.gifsmile.gif

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Re: Saving \"Little Guy\"



Ya'll had better step it up a

I out-bid myself twice tonight grin.gif

Norms Stuff

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Gary, twice wasn't enough you'd better check that again...LOL..... smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

You guys are making this way too easy for me... grin.gifgrin.giftongue.gif

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Oh really...LOL

Bear compound bow archery Item number: 7134808631

This item is being tracked in My eBay

>You are the current high bidder <

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Re: Saving \"Little Guy\"

Ok not sure what going on here. Are we interested in going together on this? Here is my idea, anyone who is interested kick in $20 and one of you guys that is familiar with e-bay buys it and we all send the money to that person. We should be able to raise some money for Norm. What do you think? If Gary doesn't want to store it until Norm is ready for it, we can put it in the camp where we had the get together or I will put it in my house, it doesn't matter. Let me know.


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