Favorite Muzzleloader Bullet for Whitetails?

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  • 4 weeks later...


The XTP's are great, the SST's are great, the Powerbelts have proven to be less than stellar on performance. I've seen some poor results from them.

I actually had some great results from an old Knight rifle with a 240 gr lead semi-wadcutter .429 bullet - shot great and gave good expansion. I never hit any heavy bone though.

All that being said, Barnes are perfect. Find the best sabot fit for your gun and you will have the BEST bullet made. I've used the 250 and 300 grain Expanders in the past and had absolutely perfect performance. The 285 gr Spit-Fire MZ is unbelievable.

I've shot close to 2500 rounds through various muzzleloaders and Barnes bullets have no equal.

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You guys want to see an awesome conical?

Check these out!





Ive shot these from 2 rifles so far, i have another inline coming in tomorrow to try them in hopefully. I feel these are the Ultimate Conical!

Over 2,000fps with 120 grains Pyrodex RS. And as you can see, they are a failproof copper bullet!

Edited by FrontierGander
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

You have to find out what bullet or bullet sabot your rifle likes. My Knight Bighorn really likes the 300 gr Hornady XTP mags in a Harvester crush rib sabot. I have recovered two of these bullets that had traveled lengthwise through a mature deer and both had expanded from 45 cal to 64 and 66 cal and formed the deadliest mushroom in the woods perfectly. The one deer was shot at 18 yds and the other just two weeks ago was shot at 40 yds.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Precision Rifle

I switched over this year while sighting in from the Barnes Expander MZ to the Precision Rifle 260gr. I have to say I love these bullets they are by far the most consistant I have ever shot out of my Encore. I have killed (2) deer with them so far (1) Doe and (1) 9 pt buck. The buck was a 170 yd shot and he dropped in his tracks. They load very easy compared to the Barnes Bullets as well. I am not knocking Barnes they make an excellent round and served me well for years and the Barnes is a much harder bullet. The PR's are hard to find in the store as well.

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