Jason would be proud!


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you ever had it before?

No, and I eat almost ANYTHING. And.....I'm not above eating a snake, it's just....ummmm....errrr... I hadn't had a hankering to do so as of yet!

I've skinned quite a few over the years, and looks like some boney white meat. But as long as I still got catfish in the freezer, I got boney white meat already. :p :eat: :D

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I was in Estill, SC years ago and we killed 3 snakes. The guys we were with cooked 'em, Rattle Snake Stew is what they called it. Of course I tasted it, but it wasn't really great enough to keep eating.

They did tell me that they couldn't eat one of them because it itself had been bit by another snake, and therefore may have venom in the meat. To be safe, they threw it out.

I liked the skins though.

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if you can kill it you can grill it , if it can die it can fry , snakes taste just like chicken

That sounds like someone who has some experience...

Not a big snake fan Johboy....i think i would have tied a half stick to it and let er rip...

by the way, why don't you put a flame under that turtles *ss, he's not moving fast enough...:D

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What kind of snake is that? Looks like a rattler of some kind.

Timber rattler, sometimes called a canebreak down here. Pretty common, not many eastern diamondbacks in most places here.

by the way, why don't you put a flame under that turtles *ss, he's not moving fast enough...:D

I did, but burned a hole in my last monitor, Dannyboy :D

It wont be too long!

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I helped a guy yesterday down here on the beach drag a cart to the water. He was limping bad. He was from texas and had just got bit this week by a copperhead. I guess they had reservations that couldnt be cancelled, but heck his ankle and foot was turned sideways and swollen real bad. Them Texans are just tough I guess!:flex:

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